IMGW warns. Heat and storms almost everywhere in Poland


Currently, heat warnings are valid in 14 regions, with the exception of Podlaskie and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships. The warnings before the storms were published in the morning for Małopolska, Podkarpacie and Świętokrzyskie. IMGW predicts that there are atmospheric discharges with rainfall in locations of 20 mm to 30 mm and wind gusts up to 70 km / h. Hail is Possible in Some Places

Storm warnings are expected for most of the country. During the day, they can also be issued for the following voivodeships: Lubelskie, Mazowieckie, Łódzkie, Silesia, Opolskie, Dolnośląskie, Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie

Anna Nemec, Synoptic FID, explains that South East. – He hung on the Black Sea, that's why he's so wet and very hard to bear – he adds.

High temperatures and small movements of air will have a negative effect on our well-being. Especially the elderly and the children should remember the regular irrigation of the body.

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Source: IAR, IMGW

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