In a stolen bicycle, he left the store. Bold Thief in … – Region


Dear user.

Below we have collected information concerning the processing of your personal data resulting from the European Parliament and European Council Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the protection of personal data. personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as RODO). Please read them – it should not take too much time. From this report, you will learn what are the responsibilities of an administrator, what rights do you have and how to use them. If in doubt, please contact us.

By visiting the site or by clicking in the upper right-hand corner of this information, you agree to the processing of your personal data and the activities listed below.

We use cookies and other technologies

We use cookies ("cookies") and other related technologies from our websites for:

  • providing security during of the use of our sites, [19659007] improvement of the services we provide by using data for analytical and statistical purposes as well as marketing,
  • getting to know your preferences according to the way you are using our services,
  • displaying personalized advertisements that match your interests. You can set in your browser settings. Without changing the settings, the information contained in the cookie files can be saved in the memory of your device. You can find more details in the privacy policy.

    What is a personal datum?

    Personal information is information about an identified or identifiable individual. These can include first and last name, e-mail address or telephone number. In terms of use such as our websites, personal data such as the IP address of the user, information about the current user activity, and information collected via the so-called cookies, as well as similar technologies. If the cookie does not contain any personal data, but that it is possible to compile information from this file with other information obtained from you, ie if it is possible to identify you, these cookies are also protected by the provisions on the security of personal data. Cookies, colloquially known as "cookies", are files in which, when browsing the site, information is saved that finally reaches the end device (a computer or a smartphone, for example). after allowing to preserve the preferences of the user, as well as personalizing the web sites in terms of displayed content and delivered advertisements.

    What you need to know about the security of your personal data in relation to RODO

    1. Administrator of your personal data is Polish Radio Szczecin S.A. with headquarters at al. Wojska Polskiego 73, 70-481 Szczecin (hereinafter referred to as "the broadcasting service").
    2. Under s. 37 paragraph 1 lit. a) The RODO has appointed the Data Protection Supervisor (DOD), who oversees the processing of personal data at the broadcasting station. You can contact the IOD by writing to the above address or to the email address [email protected]. The inspector will be happy to assist you with any questions regarding the protection of personal data, especially to answer questions regarding the processing of your personal data
    3. Your personal data will be processed to ]:
    • or take action prior to its conclusion (in accordance with section 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR)
    • implementation of the necessary legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or by a third parties, including the marketing of own and foreign products and for analytical purposes (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR)
    • implementation of a or several specific objectives based on your explicit and voluntary consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the RODO)
  • The broadcasting station processes your personal data in a minimum range STRICTLY t defined necessary to achieve the objectives, mentioned above
  • Your personal data may be shared with other entities. The basis of the foregoing actions may be legal regulations (eg ZUS, tax administration, judicial system) or well constructed, guaranteeing the security of personal data and data management contracts for third parties with whom the Department of cooperating broadcasting (eg
  • Your personal data may be transferred to a third country or to an international organization only with your unambiguous consent obtained after a prior change in the rules and potential effects of Such a transfer and the respect of a number of the requirements set out in the RODO.In the case indicated in points 5 and 6, your data will be protected in such a way as to ensure their confidentiality by l & # 39; use of appropriate technical and technological solutions, in line with good practices used in the context of secure data processing
  • personal data will be kept for a period of time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected, in accordance with the filing dates provided for in the special laws and the law of the 14 July 1983 on the national archives (OJ nr. as of 2018, Section 217), and if it has been processed on the basis of your consent – until it is withdrawn.
  • In connection with the processing of your personal data you have the right to:
    • access your data,
    • correct these data
    • delete,
    • limitations on data processing,
    • the opponent to their treatment,
    • removal of your personal data,
    • withdrawal of consent at any time (if such consent has been expressed) without affecting The above rights may be exercised directly at the headquarters of Polish Radio Szczecin SA, directing the correspondence to the address of the Administrator or the e-mail of the Data Protection Inspector.
    • that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RODO) You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory body at the following address: Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa
    • Providing personal data is voluntary, but depending on the situation may be a statutory or contractual requirement. In special cases, the failure to provide data may condition the implementation of the actions of which you are Entity (including the conclusion of a contract)
    • Your data may be subject to change. an automated processing based on profiling. We personalize the content and advertisements, and analyze the activity on the website and on the Internet. One of the ways we treat personal data is the so-called profiling which is that we can create preferences profiles for you based on your data and then adjust the content of the displayed ads based your needs and interests. At the same time, we would like to inform you that we do not make automated decisions, including profiling.

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