In Japan, the government wants to distribute 8 million homes. Every tenth domain is empty


If you have always dreamed of living in Japan, you have an excellent opportunity. No less than 8 million abandoned houses are waiting for new owners. The most abandoned properties are located on the east coast of Asia.

Japan gives houses

Anyone participating in the new program will be able to get a totally free house or buy it at a very low price. But this is not the end of the good news. For some houses, the Japanese government will even earn money to renovate empty properties that do not allow housing. The properties can be found on the website.

What is the reason why so many houses in Japan are abandoned? In Tokyo, 70% of residents live in apartments, so houses are not so popular. Frequent natural disasters, the inability to expand the good and aging society are also important factors in this difficult situation: more than one in four people are at least 65 years old.

Analysts at the Nomura Research Institute also argue that by 2033 in Japan the number of uninhabited houses of 8 million could increase to 21 million. It's almost one-third of the homes of all the inhabitants of the country.

As long as nothing changes, we will have to consider banning the construction of new homes. Such a decision could have a negative impact on the country's economic situation – comments Wataru Sakakibara of the Nomura Research Institute.



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