In Nowogrodzka, the regional assemblies


Nominations for regional assemblies were the subject of today's meeting of the PiS Political Committee, which ended around 21. According to PiS spokeswoman, Beata Mazurek, the candidates for the first five places on the lists were accepted

"In the Political Committee of the PiS, we discussed the candidatures for the councilors to the regional assemblies.The first Fridays were accepted"

– wrote Mazurek on Twitter

In addition to Party Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Ministers – Beata Szydło and Piotr Gliński, Head of the PiS Club, also participated. Vice-Marshal of the Diet Ryszard Terlecki, Head of MRPiPS Elżbieta Rafalska, Vice-President of the Party, Former Minister of National Defense Antoni Macierewicz, Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Marek Suski and Minister of the Environment Henryk Kowalczyk [19659006ThepresidentofthePiSannouncedinearlyJulythattheywillnotbecandidatesforPiSlistsatlocalgovernmentlevelBeataMazurekaddedthatonthelistsofPiScandidatesinlocalelectionscouncilorswillnotbeplacedinhigh-levelexecutiveandcouncilpositionsinstateandlocalcompanies

PiS politicians then said that electoral lists would be created including this decision of the Political Committee

The first round of municipal elections is scheduled for the fall, one of the three Sundays: October 21st, October 28th or November 4th. During the election, we will choose the commune chiefs, mayors and presidents of cities, as well as communal and county councils and regional assemblies

Promoting independent media Source: PAP,

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