In SLD, they want to resign from Czarzasty. Wierzbicki: his concept "took a headache"


The concept of SLD President Włodzimierz Czarzasty for the local elections "took his head"; Party structures in Warsaw have passed a resolution calling for the convening of a national convention and resigning from Czarzasty, said Tuesday Sebastian Wierzbicki, president of the SLD Warsaw.

A similar resolution was also adopted by the Poznań structures of the Alliance.

"The concept of Włodzimierz Czarzasty has been put forward and we now expect to receive a new concept for the next elections to the European Parliament and the national parliament," Wierzbicki told PAP. He added that the Warsaw LTC last week passed a resolution calling on Czarzasty to resign and convene a national convention.

He added that at the convention, party members would choose a new president and decide "what direction the SLD goes" in the upcoming elections. "Do we create a strong left bloc, if so, with whom, do we go in cooperation with the Citizens Coalition" – he stressed.

According to him, the concept "promoted" by Czarzasty before the local elections did not work – according to which the SLD operates alone. According to Wierzbicki, it would be better to build a "broad agreement of pro-European parties". According to him, part of the structures of the Warsaw Alliance believes that Czarzasty is not able to lead to the conclusion of such a coalition or to "the construction of a large block from the left".

When asked if he would attend the SLD president election, Mr. Wierzbicki denied it. "It does not interest me to take the place after Włodzimierz Czarzasty, but I think that in our formation, there are many experienced local government officials and national politicians who would boldly replace Czarzasty," he said. he declares.

In the Facebook profile of last week's SLD Poznań, the resolution reads: "With regard to the catastrophic electoral outcome of the SLD, we call on President Włodzimierz Czarzasty to take responsibility for his decisions and to resign from its functions. "

The second point of the resolution added: "We also believe that the lack of consent for an independent start-up of the LTC in Poznan has had a fatal result in the elections to the Poznań Council of Ministers (PAP) and the lack of Mandate for the election of the parliamentary assembly of the Wielkopolska region in the Poznań region W. Czarzastego, the decision to support the committee (PAP voters), whose leader publicly accused the president of the Union of Labor not to show leftist sensibilities – has caused great confusion among the faithful left-wing voters. "The resolution of the chairman of the SLD City Council in Poznań, Bartosz Kaczmarek, is contained in the resolution.

Czarzasty, who asked TVN24 Tuesday to resign from his presidential duties, said he intended to lead the SLD "hard and masculine." He also informed that on December 15, the National Council of the SLD would adopt a resolution on the convening of a convention, which would decide in what form the Alliance will prepare for the elections to the European Parliament. As he noted, there will also be a referendum in which all party members will decide on the choice of SLD for parliamentary elections.

In the regional assembly elections, the PiS won 254 seats, the 194 Committee, the PSL – 70, the Independent Autonomous Government – 15 and the SLD – Left Total – 11.

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