In two or three years, the shipyard of Gdańsk must produce ships again!


– In a year, the shipyard of Gdańsk will return to profitability, and in two or three years he will launch the first ships – says p.o. President of the Industrial Development Agency Andrzej Kensbok. He added that several tens of millions of zlotys must be invested in the company.

The Industrial Development Agency informed in the statement that the group had bought Thursday from the group of shipyards of Gdansk Sp. Z o.o., controlled by the Ukrainian investor Serhiy Taruta, 81.05%. shares in the Gdańsk shipyard and 50% shares in GSG Towers, manufacturer, among others, of wind turbines As a result of the transaction, ARP became 100% owner of both companies.

"The 100% takeover of the Gdańsk Shipyard by the Industrial Development Agency opens a new chapter in the history of this company"

– in the president of the company. ARP Andrzej Kensbok. He pointed out that although the shipyard played a special role in the history of Poland, it was mainly the business reasons that motivated the recovery of the company by the Ukrainian investor. "We carried out detailed analyzes that showed that the Gdańsk shipyard, after restructuring, could become one of the pillars of the shipbuilding industry in Poland" – a said Kensbok. He added that the reconstruction of the shipbuilding industry in Poland is important in the context of the government's strategy for responsible development.

He pointed out that the planned restructuring will not lead to layoffs. On the contrary, the company intends to hire new employees and even open a school in which future builders will be trained. In his opinion, already next year, the company, which in 2017 declared a loss of about 50 million PLN, is expected to return to profitability, and for two, in three years – the launch of the first ships. However, he admitted that several tens of millions of zlotys should be invested in the shipyard for this purpose. This process must be spread over time.

Asked about the fundamentals of the restructuring, he said that new technologies and a new organization of production would be implemented "In the first period, we will mainly produce what we know best, c & # 39, ie the superstructures and steel elements of the hulls, and we plan to buy other items " – he explained. The purpose of such a reorganization – as he pointed out – is to speed up shipbuilding and reduce production costs. He also added that the shipyard should regain its skills over time, what it has lost over several decades, including the production of hoses, propulsion components and ship equipment. . Speaking of the development prospects of the shipyard, the president was referring, inter alia, to the report of the Institute of Oriental Studies, which shows that rebuilding this industry in Poland is expected to generate tens of thousands of tons . Kensbok, questioned about the value of the purchase transaction of the Gdańsk Shipyard Group of the Gdańsk Shipyard Group controlled by the Ukrainian investor Serhiy Taruta, said that trade secret. At the same time, he pointed out that IDA has paid for the company "far less than the amount of sales in 2007". The contract signed at that time amounts to 400 million PLN

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Source:, PAP

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