In Williams, you do not work in the Russell or Kubica team. We are a team


George Russell will be next to Robert Kubica, a Williams driver in 2019. They both started working with a tire testing team in Abu Dhabi. Russell drove the car on Tuesday morning, he will be back at the wheel on Wednesday afternoon. He totaled 42 laps and his best result was 1: 39.512.

– I had positive impressions. The team works in the same way as Mercedes and Force India, with whom I cooperated. I knew what to expect and it was exactly what it was. After the first two trips on the track, I had a problem with the car's balance, but the mechanics introduced some changes and I started to gain confidence in the steering wheel – said the British.

– I felt more confident and I checked the limits of the car. For the driver, the confidence behind the steering wheel is very important. It's my first morning with Williams and it was a good time. We set up our program, there were no problems, we collected a lot of information – he added.

He talked about the expectations for the 2019 season in a rather general way. – It's hard for me to say anything because every car drives differently. Until now, I have only tested with Mercedes and Force India. In this case, Robert will probably tell you more, "he said.

For Russell, the cooperation with Robert Kubica is very important and he is not worried about the fact that he still does not know who will be his driving engineer. – I do not know who it will be, but it's not a problem. Williams is a very open team. You do not work here in the Russell or Kubica team. We are a team. I'm sure we can achieve something good together, "said the Briton.

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