India: 17 men accused of raping a 12-year-old girl for months | News from the world


Seventeen men appeared in the Indian city court of Chennai, accused of repeatedly raping a 12-year-old girl for seven months.

Men included security guards, elevator operators and plumbers. the girl has lived, said the police.

Men aged 23 to 66 slept the girl with drugs and then took her to vacant apartments in the block to assault her, police said. Indian media also reported that the accused men took the girl to a basement, a terrace, a gym and public toilets.

The Times of India reports that a 66-year-old elevator operator first sexually assaulted. He would then have brought other men from outside the compound who were filming the assaults.

According to local media reports, the men, aged 23 to 66, threatened the girl with knives and told her that they would publish videos of the assault. On Saturday, the girl told her sister, who was coming from Delhi, to urge the family to file a complaint, the Times of India said.

Police arrested men on Monday for rape, attempted murder Television footage showed chaotic scenes in the court building as lawyers allegedly attacked suspects in the high court of the city .

Hindustan reported that the Association of Defenders of the Madras High Court announced that no lawyer would appear for the suspects.

"We have asked the legal fraternity not to appear for the defendants and we will also appeal against the legal aid services of the state when they file the bail application for the accused, "said MHAA President Mohana Krishnan.

On average, more than one hundred cases of raped women were reported daily in India in 2016, according to the latest figures released by the National Bureau of Criminal Records. About six of them were girls under 12 years old.

In January, an eight-year-old girl was kidnapped, drugged, and raped for five days in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, before being killed with a pebble. This led to the introduction of the death penalty for the rape of girls under 12 years of age.

In June, a Thomson Reuters Foundation report revealed that India was the least secure country in the world. and Syria.

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