Information on compensation in the job offer? Poles are waiting for it


O still proclaiming a beautiful appearance: a young and dynamic team needs support and is open to all ambitious people. Later, it turns out that the reality is glaring, and the salary offered is modest. The rules once established by employers to be able to negotiate wage negotiations with the candidate sooner or later will be lost.

84 percent. The people who took part in the research conducted by the Labor Department, is of the opinion that in ads with job offers should also be given the rates of the proposed salary . It seems that almost no one believes in ritual assurances about "great work and high wages".

– The results would probably be different if the respondents were representatives of companies responsible for recruiting – the states of the HR Puls Portal. And indeed, for many years they set the rules of the game: the restraint in terms of wages was used to negotiate with the candidates possibly not to reveal the cards to competitors of the market.

The experts propose a salomonic solution: administration of a range that would be adequate for the experiment and the position of the various people involved in recruitment. Such information would also be a message that the employer really expects – a freshly struck novice who will accept (almost) each stake or a more valued experienced specialist.

In addition, giving rates or a short bar may soon be a competitive advantage. Because if an industry company starts giving rates, and others keep the cards on orders, means that they have something (lower rates) to hide . – The absence of rates suggests that the employer has little to offer – HR pulses is cited.

Theoretically, this also saves time. In many industries, the candidate only learns the rate during the interview – if it is too low, the conversation proceeds as if nothing, which means an hour or two in vain. A waste of time, however, the managers would be enough to say: "Ten volunteers, but none suited us" .

– I think that if subsequent recruitment portals will display compensation information, then both the employers, as well as the candidates, will get used to the fact that this is the norm National Job Announcement . If it works, we will be able to talk about a significant change in the Polish labor market – says Patrycja Łąkowska, an expert at

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