Instructions for PiS MPs. They must congratulate the president and the idea of ​​a referendum


N There is nothing to hide – the rejection by the Senate of the presidential request for a consultative referendum is a defeat of Andrzej Duda and of the cheek that the PiS gives him. However, it is now necessary to hide it and speak with one voice in front of the electorate. A note has just leaked in this case. "The referendum is important and the constitution must be changed." We have to work together with the president. "The debate on constitutional changes continues: the voice and position of the President is certainly an important element, if we succeed in changing this constitution, it will be our common success, PiS and the President" – this is a fragment of the Announcement for PiS members, that "Super Express" has reached.

On Wednesday, the Senate (one in fact, Senators from the majority of the PiS) did not agree with the constitutional referendum proposed by Andrzej Duda. 10 senators were in favor of the president's idea, 30 were against and 52 abstained.

After the Senate rejected the president's request, Law and Justice explained the failure of Andrzej Duda. First blame the senators of the Civic Platform, doubts have arisen as to the date

As you can see, the "conciliatory" version applies. And how does it seem to blur the bad impression in practice? – The very idea, the very idea of ​​the president is certainly right, we must talk about it. We approach it with great respect, just as we approach the president with great respect – these are the words of Jaroslaw Kaczynski from the TVP Info interview


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