Iran announces new nuclear centrifuge plant as tensions persist with Washington


The head of the Iranian Atomic Agency announced Wednesday that his country had completed a plant capable of producing enough rotors for 60 centrifuges per day, the fate of the 2015 nuclear agreement remaining uncertain and tensions with Washington.

"Now that [Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei] gave the order, this factory started all of its work," said Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of the Islamic Republic , reported Reuters

. break with the terms of the nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Global Action Plan (JCPOA). He also explained that the new plant had the ability to build rotors for up to 60 IR-6 centrifuges each day

Centrifuges are key to the process of enriching uranium, and the agreement was aimed at limiting the number of Iran. Salehi also said that Iran has managed to store 900 to 950 tons of uranium to enrich, with 400 additional tons imported since 2015, reported Al Jazeera. He explained that his country is on track to reach its goal of operating 190,000 centrifuges to enrich the nuclear fuel.

 ] GettyImages-101916462 Iranian technicians are observed at the Isfahan uranium conversion facility, 261 miles south of Tehran, on August 8, 2005. President Donald Trump officially announced in May that the United States would withdraw from the 2015 agreement with Iran and five other countries. BEHROUZ MEHRI / AFP / Getty Images

"Instead of building this plant in the next seven or eight years, we built it during the negotiations but President Donald Trump officially announced in May that the US would pull out of the 2015 agreement with Iran and five other countries.As a result of Trump's decision, the secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised to apply the "most severe sanctions of history" against Tehran

The Others Treaty signatories, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and China have worked to save the deal, allowing Iran to sell its oil to global markets and foreign companies to start investments in the country

and is ready to resume its progress amme of nuclear enrichment. For now, however, he said that he will wait to see how the other signatories respond to the US decision. Although the European signatories expressed their support for the agreement, Iran urged them to take "tangible" measures to ensure its implementation.

In another potential coup to the agreement, the head of the European Investment Bank said on Wednesday "There is no European bank currently able to do business in Iran and with Iran, "said Werner Hoyer, chairman of the long-term non-profit investment arm of the European Union. , according to Euro News .

"We must take note of the fact that we would risk the economic model of the bank if we were active in Iran," added Hoyer, while saying that he supports efforts to maintain agreement in life.

Iran has also formally filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice this week to sue the United States for sidelining the agreement. Tehran aims to hold the United States "responsible for their illegal re-imposition of unilateral sanctions," said Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Washington is "legally obliged" to stop violating the treaty under international law and must also "repair all the damage inflicted."

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