Iran executes eight men following terrorist attacks last year in Tehran


The executed men were arrested following the June 2017 incidents in which attackers simultaneously launched suicide bomb and suicide bomb attacks on the Iranian parliament building and the grave of the revolutionary founder of the republic.

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Men Sentenced to Death in May and May performed Saturday, according to Tasnim. According to the Iranian authorities, five of the six attackers who died in the attack have already fought with ISIS in Mosul and Raqqa

. The assailants, apparently dressed as women, targeted parliament buildings and the grave. with assault rifles, handguns and bombs. They killed security guards and civilians before taking hostages on the upper floors of the building.

Security forces killed some of the gunmen while others blew themselves up.

The media wing of the Islamic State, Amaq, claimed "fighters of the Islamic State". It was the first time that the Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack in Iran.

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