Iraqis say Russian missiles killed IS leader's


Baghdad (AFP) – Russian forces killed the sound of Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a missile attack on a Syrian cellar in which he was hiding, Iraqi intelligence said Wednesday.

IS's propaganda outlet Amaq said Hudhayfah al-Badri was killed in an "operation against the Nussayriyyah and the Russians at the thermal power station in Homs"

Nussayriyyah is the term used by IS for the Alawite religious minority of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Iraq's Falcon 's intelligence cell said Russian forces on Monday killed three missiles at a cave in Homs that held 30 "terrorist leaders" and several of Badri' s bodyguards. 19659005] It said 11 people were killed in the attack.

"Badri was not even a fighter … he was an icon that was moved from one place to another of a form of psychological propoganda for the rest of the organization , "the Falco ns said on Wednesday.

The Iraqi government declared victory over IS in December, but the warriors continued to operate in the south of the country. Syrian border.

The group's leader Baghdadi, who has been pronounced dead on several occasions, remains alive in Syrian territory by the Iraqi border, an Iraqi intelligence official said in May.

Originally from Iraq, Baghdadi has been dubbed the "most wanted man on the planet" and the United States is offering a $ 25 million reward

On June 22, Badri escaped an Iraqi air force raid that killed two of his bodyguards, including Saud Mohammed al-Kurdi, also known as Abu Abdallah, who was married to Baghdadi's daughter Duaa.

IS a cross-border "caliphate" in Syria and Iraq in 2014, seizing a third of Iraq during a sweeping offensive.

While the jihadists have lost much of the controlled territory, IS still controls pockets in Syria 's central desert province of Homs, and areas along the border between Syria and Iraq.

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