Irena Szewińska was resting in Powązki –


In the last track of an exceptional athlete, hundreds of fans and people who are not interested in the sport every day accompanied him. They pointed out that they came and went from different parts of the country to pay tribute to "personality and personality."

"The departure of Irena Szewińska is a great loss for the whole Olympic family," said the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) a burial in the cemetery, celebrated by the delegate of the Polish Episcopal Conference of the Polish Episcopal Conference Marian Florczyk

"Everyone who attended his sports performances saw in what style he succeeded, seeing that he was accompanied by an irresistible elegance. contact with Irena as a friend , they came to her with warmth and cordiality "- said German

Olympic champion in Montreal (1976) in the team competition of florists stressed that Szewińska devoted his whole life to sport

and in all, and at the same time it was incredibly modest and that's why it has been a source of inspiration for athletes and women around the world "- noted the leader of the Olympic Movement. to see my friend, Irena! "- Bach finished his speech in Polish very well

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki briefly recalled the great career of Szewińska, who wanted to be … an actress.

"She was a great hope for Poland in difficult times, not only for athletes, but for all Poles, and for that we are very grateful to her," he said of the coffin. The head of government added that she has shown how to create a better country and a better society through sport.

Sports and Tourism Minister Witold Bańka said that "exceptional" is not enough not in Szewińska. "She was the most important Polish sportswoman, the first lady of Polish sport, our athletic mother, but with all that size she was an exceptionally modest person, a role model for players and activists."

Szewińska bids farewell to PZLA Tomasz Majewski twice, noting that she has dedicated 60 years to the sport.The president of the Polish Olympic Committee, Andrzej Kraśnicki, stressed in his speech that "what unites us today It is a great tribute that we want to give to the person who has given all his life so that the Polish sport is full of light ". He also pointed out that what may not have been so obvious was the fact that she loved her family above all else.

COP's address was condolences from all over the world. "It was not tens, but hundreds of dispatches." Andrzej Szewiński, the eldest son, stressed: "For me and my brother Jarosława was a wonderful mother, for my father Janusz – wife, grandchildren – grandmother.The parents celebrated the 50th anniversary of marriage and taught us wisdom from the youngest age. "

The funeral of the seven Olympic track and field medals last Friday, which was recently vice-president of the Polish Olympic Committee and IOC member, was a state ceremony. funeral ceremony in the cemetery was preceded by a Mass in the Cathedral of the Polish Army Field

"Queen of the Queen of Sport" – said about the first lady of Polish sport and President Duda White Eagle accompanied by his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda. "It is one of the sports names that we have heard the most."

The President pointed out that the name of Szewińska was a symbol of Polish sport, that he was always present and that it was difficult to imagine that he would run out now. We say goodbye to an athlete of the century across Poland, she was great in all respects, I think I can say – she had a good life, she had a talent that was discovered Fortunately for us and for Poland, how many people outdoors? "That all Polish athletes are wise words of Mrs. Irena, that life can not consist only of chasing medals, because then defeat at the stadium will also be a defeat of life" – he recalled. [19659003] "We say goodbye I am sorry, but especially with great gratitude, you will always be an example for us. "Hi, his memory" – said President Duda.

. Minister Bańka, Thomas Bach with his wife, President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Lord Sebastian Coe, President of the Polish Olympic Committee, Deputies and Senators of the Republic of Poland. The service was concelebrated and pronounced by Bishop Florczyk. "Thanks to her achievements, she has built pride and joy in Polish hearts," he said.

Due to the limited number of seats in the cathedral, only members of the family, special guests from Poland and abroad participated in the service. .in. Ewa Kłobukowska, with whom Szewińska won in Tokyo (1964) Olympic gold medal in 4x100m relay, Ludwika Chewińska, Barbara Ślizowska, Jacek Wszoła, Władysław Kozakiewicz, Robert Korzeniowski, Włodzimierz Lubański, Wojciech Fibak, Wojciech Fortuna, Janusz Peciak Pywak, Czesław Kwieciński, Edward Skorek, Andrzej Supron, Czesław Lang, Władysław Zieliński or singer Andrzej Rosiewicz, who made his leap in his youth

Eight dignitaries of the Chancellery of the President of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism have looked at the coffin, the authorities of the Polish Olympic Committee and the Polish Association of Athletics, the Polish Society of Olympians, the Polish Committee of Women's Sport, the media and sponsors

"C & # 39; a very sad day, "said Tadeusz Mytnik, an excellent cyclist. PKOl banner at the head of 17 other stamps various associations, organizations and sports clubs.

"We have been friends for many years, recently we met in May, we talked about her health, she said: + Tadeuszek, do not worry, I'm fine, I'm going to survive. I always have the strength and the joy of living + .I answer him, I say honestly: "I always refuse for you, live as long as possible, rejoice in Polish society." And suddenly – she is gone … Shock!

– She was a sporty model, not only in the country but around the world I remember an incident where I lived at the University of Mexico at the # 39 University of Mexico, I got up at six o'clock in the morning, I watch it – it snows and Irenka is already training at the nearby stadium – and she came to life with great commitment, culture, dignity , a great woman, "said Mytnik.

Irena Szewińska died on June 29 at the Warsaw Hospital. She was 72 years old. She has been record holder of Poland, Europe and the world at 100, 200, 400 meters, long jump and relays. In her career she was faithful to the club colors of Polonia Warsaw founded in 1911.

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