Is he serious? A bizarre list of bans of the Polish bishop


Bishop Jan Piotrowski, head of the diocese of Kielce, sent a message to the faithful, who might be surprised. The ecclesiastic included in his unusual instructions and presented a plan for the artistic and religious development of the parish under his jurisdiction. This is undoubtedly the most interesting appeal of the Polish church dignitary of recent times.

Bishop of the diocese of Kielce, where live more than 70 000 faithful people, it became a place of great experience of church. Jan Piotrowski has published an unusual list of bans and ordinances in effect since.

As usual in such a situation, there were many doubts and controversies among the commentators. The idea is really strange and unprecedented, but if you think about it, it's not so stupid.

The aspirations of Piotrowski consist in eschewing the secularization of Christianity and the education of the faithful in accordance with the teaching of the Church and its traditions. The case has already acquired a national advertising.

The bishop forbids the Beatles and ABBY

According to Jan Piotrowski's wishes, all secular songs that have nothing to do with religion will disappear from the churches of his diocese. As reported by Onet, they were banned, including Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" or "The winner takes everything" from ABBA.

In the repertoire of no house of God of the Diocese of Kielce, you can not play any songs composed by the Beatles. The ban applies to mass, weddings and funerals. From now on, only church and liturgical songs can be interpreted.



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The priests Jan Piotrowski and Mikołaj Olejarczyk, signed in accordance with the document, agree that "music has always been linked to Christian rituals, and psalms, hymns and songs that are part of the Bible become carriers of revealed truths" and only these must resonate within the walls of the temples of the Kielce region.

By the music closer to God

Bishop Piotrowski pays particular attention to the fate of the youngest diocesan who, in his opinion, must live happily and enjoy contact with God, have an idea of ​​music, especially of ecclesiastical religion. Young people therefore occupy a special place in the call to the faithful.

The clergy think that the church should pay attention to education in this area, which is also linked to better integration of parishioners. Piotrowski therefore recommends that monthly vocal meetings be held in each parish.

According to the Bishop, it would be nice if God creates more choirs. This must be done by both spiritual and lay people. In this way, a true rebirth of Christian spirituality must take place, which translates into songs and songs.

– […] special attention to music training should be adopted by the younger generation. We encourage competent people (clergy and laity) to create children's and youth choirs – Quote from Onet magazine.


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