Is Quebonafide so famous? "I started to detach myself a bit, it's beyond me a little"


  Quebonafide also has enough fame?

Quebonafide and Taco Hemingway are currently one of the most popular musicians in Poland, bringing with it adequate pay and fame. The media interest for rapists has intensified when, as we wrote, began meeting young representatives of Polish show business, Natalia Szroeder and Iga Lis .

The popularity particularly harms the offending media Filip Szcześniak who for several years has always failed to give interviews, and in the songs expresses a desire for the simple life of an anonymous person who can travel by public transport

SEE: New record of Taco Hemingway?

Quebonafide also does not dream of a celebrity career, but he seems to have accepted the price of popularity and decided to stop hiding his relationship with Natalia, shyly showing him in its social media. That's what Kuba Wojewódzki did: Natalia Szroeder and Quebo no longer hide? They made their debut on Instagram … Kuba Wojewódzkiego (FOTO)

Rapper also decided to give an interview, although I must admit that a conversation of an hour and a half with Szczecin's colleague, Wini, is quite specific. From interesting sources Quebo has confessed that the success of the album released in the Taco duo has slightly surpassed

With this disc I started to escape a little, because it overwhelms me. I consider myself an introverted person who was suddenly thrown into an extrovert world – he confessed.

Rapper admitted that his relationship with the fans was better when he was not yet a big star [19659003] With people listening to your music, you leave the ziomalska relationship. Hyperbolize yourself, treat yourself like a hero, they tear you apart, they tear you apart your shirt . I definitely preferred the times when I could go out and talk to them normally. There were no hysterical squeaks, because they probably cause me the most noise and confusion in my head, I do not need it.

Do you think Kuba will rap on the tragedy of people who do not communicate with public transport? ] // Facebook async
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