Israel fires missile at drone that entered from Syria


JERUSALEM – Israel launched a Patriot missile at an unmanned aircraft that entered its territory of Syria on Wednesday, the military said, it will not airspace infiltrations that have occurred over the past year

The military said the missile intercepted the aircraft "that infiltrated the Israeli border from Syria." It did not elaborate

There were no reports of injuries

Israeli police issued a rare request for boats in the Sea of ​​Galilee to sail back to shore operations taking place in the area. "

It was not immediately clear that the drone. There was a similar incident a month ago and in February Israel shot down what it said was an Iranian drone that entered its airspace. It bombed Iranian targets in Syria in response.

Wednesday's incident came as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Moscow for talks on Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a key ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the Syrian Civil War.

Israel has had a lot of fighting in Syria. Hizbullah

Israel has warned Iran, which is allied with the Syrian government, against building up a military presence on its doorstep

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