Israel helps evacuate hundreds of "white helmets" and families in Syria


BEIRUT, Lebanon – Israel facilitated the evacuation of hundreds of first aiders, known as White Helmets, and their families from a besieged pocket of southern Syria, helping them cross the territory Israeli to reach Jordan, Israel and Israel. The Jordanian authorities said on Sunday:

The unprecedented move in part of Syria where pro-government forces are advancing has pushed Western countries, including the United States, to protect White Helmets. Air strikes in civilian areas

The Israeli army said Sunday in a statement that the United States and European countries had asked for aid for the evacuation of civilians "because of an immediate threat to their life ".

Foreign Ministry spokesman in Jordan, Mohammad al-Kayed, said his country had authorized the United Nations to facilitate the entry of 800 Syrians in Jordan after Britain. Germany and Nada had taken a "legally binding commitment to resettle them within a specified time because of a risk to their life".

The evacuation took place while Syrian government forces, backed by Russia and Iran, sweep along the southern border of Syria with Jordan, territories long occupied by Western-backed rebels intent on ousting President Bashar al-Assad from Syria

and many, including members of the White Helmets, found themselves in the shrunken pocket of rebel-controlled territory along Golan Heights Owned by Israelis

officially known as Syrian Civil Defense, White Helmets, so-called were hailed in the West for their work in digging people out of the rubble after air strikes of the government. The United States and other Western governments have funded their work, and a Netflix film, " The White Helmets," won an Oscar last year for the best short documentary.

A second film about the group, "Last Men in Aleppo," was nominated for an Oscar this year.

The Syrian government accuses the group of being interviewed by terrorists and staging images of their operations to gain sympathy and demonize the government. An exceptional humanitarian gesture, "apparently to clarify that other evacuations should not be planned.

Syrians will remain in a restricted area in Jordan until resettlement within three months , said Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesman or ministry, 19659002] On Sunday, the 800 Syrians who had been allowed to enter Jordan are not yet known.

After seven years of war, the Syrian government has the control of the center of the country and its larger population centers.As Mr Assad reaffirmed his control in these areas, with the help of Russia and Iran, the role of the United States and other Western countries in determining the trajectory of the conflict has receded.

Rebels backed by the United States have lost their funding, and Western-funded groups such as the White Helmets are able to e work in smaller parts of the country.

Follow Ben Hubbard on Twitter @NYTBen.

David M. Halbfinger contributed to the reportage of Jerusalem, and Rana F. Sweis of Amman, Jordan.

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