Israel launches Gaza's largest assault since the 2014 war


No casualties or major damage were reported from both sides, and Israel stated that it was focused on military objectives and that it was warning civilians in Gaza to remain at a distance some sites. But it still marked a significant upsurge after a long period of a conflict that was generally brewing low.

Lt. Colonel Jonathan Conricus said that the last Israeli sortie on the third day affected some 40 Hamas targets, including tunnels, logistics centers and a Hamas battalion headquarters. He said the escalation was the result of Hamas-supported rocket attacks, fomentation of violence along the border and the launching campaign of kites and incendiary balloons that devastated Israeli farmland and nature reserves. can and will increase the intensity of our efforts if necessary, "he said." What Hamas is doing is bringing them closer to the edge of the abyss. " … Hamas will have to understand that there is a price to pay. "

Israel warned Hamas in recent weeks that it will not tolerate continued efforts Militants from Gaza to cross the border and its campaign to devastate Israeli border communities with incendiary attacks

On Friday, thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Gaza border for their almost weekly protest. The 15-year-old who tried to cross the fence in Israel was shot dead.On later, the Israeli army said that an Israeli officer had been slightly wounded by a grenade.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza announced Saturday that a 20-year-old girl struck by shooting on Friday during demonstrations in the southern Gaza Strip. The militant Islamic Hamas group that heads the Gaza Strip has led border demonstrations aimed in part at drawing attention to the Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007. The protests were largely fueled by widespread desperation

More than 130 Palestinians, mostly unarmed, have been killed by Israeli gunfire since demonstrations began on 30 March.

Israel says it is defending its sovereign border and accuses Hamas of using protests to cover attempts to break through the border fence and attack civilians and soldiers. More recently, he has struggled to cope with the widespread fires caused by incendiary kites and floating balloons on the border.

In a statement, the military said that Hamas activities violate Israeli sovereignty, endanger Israeli civilians efforts to help civilians in Gaza. "

Mermaids cried during the night and all day Saturday in southern Israel as waves of rockets and mortars were thrown from Gaza amid the air strikes." Israel said that At least six of the projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome Air Defense System.

In a relatively rare admission, Hamas declared that it had fired rockets to deter Israel from undertaking terrorist attacks. 39. Other actions Most of the recent rockets in Gaza have been fired by smaller factions, but Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said it was "an immediate response." "intended to" deliver the message. "

Israel said that more than 30 rockets and mortars during the day, new checkpoints were resuming each time they attacked. As a precautionary measure, the army has closed a nearby beach

.The army said his planes targeted two Hamas tunnels as well as other military buildings, including those involved in making kites and balloons. Tit said the headquarters of the Hamas battalion in northern Gaza had been completely destroyed.

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