Israel launches U.S.-backed missile shield on Syria, Russia sends envoys


JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel launched its newest air defense system on Monday on the Syrian border, where Damascus's Russian-backed forces have been routing rebels, as Moscow is sent for what it calls "urgent" talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

FILE PHOTO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is waiting to join Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, July 19, 2018. Debbie Hill / Pool via Reuters / File Photo

Netanyahu planned to meet Sergei Lavrov, Sergey Lavrov, and his armed forces chief, General Valery Gerasimov, later in the day, visited the Israeli leader at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is back on the ground in the south, bringing his forces close to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

In a sign of high tensions, Israel launched two David's Sling interceptor missiles and rockets which the Israeli military later said fell inside Syrian territory and were part of the internal fighting there.

It was Israel's first published operational of the mid-range missiles, which are jointly manufactured by U.S. firm Raytheon Co. The incident triggered sirens in northern Israel and on the Golan.

FILE PHOTO: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Reacts ahead of a joint US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland July 16, 2018. REUTERS / Grigory Dukor / Photo File

The military did David's Sling. Israel deployed the system Last year to complete its short-range Iron Dome and long-range Arrow interceptors.

Netanyahu held talks with Putin in Moscow on July 11 Israeli news that Assad, an old foe, may defy a 1974 demilitarization deal on the Golan or allow his Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah allies to deploy there.

Russia, whose foreign ministry confirmed Lavrov's visit, has said it wants to see the separation of forces on the frontier preserved. Lavrov's deputy, Grigory Karasin, told Russian media the foreign minister's trip was "urgent and important".

Netanyahu, in broadcast remarks, said he would say that "Israel insists on the separation of forces and Syria being honored," they said.

He also reaffirmed "Israel will continue to act against any attempt by Iran and its proxies to entrench militarily in Syria".

Syrian state television said on Sunday an Israeli air strike hit a military post in the city of Misyaf in Syria's Hama province but caused only material damage. An Israeli military spokeswoman said it does not comment on foreign reports.

Also on Sunday, Syrian "White Helmet" rescues rescue workers and their families from the Israeli forces and Western powers.

Additional reporting by Denis Pinchuk in Moscow; Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Matthew Bigg Mpoke

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