Israel strikes an Iranian chemical weapons site in Syria – the before


JERUSALEM (JTA) – An air raid on an Iranian site for chemical weapons research in Syria is attributed to Israel.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Britain reported this aerial attack near Masyaf in northwestern Syria

The Observatory stated that "Sources confirmed that the explosions were caused by rocket fire following strikes that are believed to be carried out by Israel, and no information has yet been provided on the number of casualties , where smoke has been seen to rise from the area. "

The official Syrian news agency SANA reports that the site has suffered only" material losses ". He also said that the site "was targeted by Israeli air aggression in an attempt to cover the collapse of terrorist organizations in Daraa and Quneitra," the attack took place just hours after the prime minister Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement on the rescue of humanitarian aid workers in Syria, that Israel "will stop acting in Syria against Iran's attempts to establish a presence there military. "

Israel, as it is its usual practice, has neither confirmed nor denied the air strikes.

Israel reportedly carried out dozens of airstrikes on the Syrian army and its allies since 2011.

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