Israel suspends fuel deliveries to Gaza for arson


  Trucks at the entrance to the Kerem Shalom crossing in the southern Gaza Strip (July 17, 2018)

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Food and medicine deliveries will still be allowed per case

Israel has tightened restrictions on its only cargo with the Gaza Strip, after the Palestinians carried out further attacks with incendiary balloons.

No fuel will arrive by Kerem Shalom until Sunday, but supplies of food and medicine will still be allowed.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he was reacting to Palestinian Hamas' "ongoing terror attempts"

Hamas, which dominates Gaza, warned Israel of "dangerous consequences" ". The army has carried out waves of air attacks across the coastal territory in response to some of the most intense bombing since Gaza since the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas. Two Palestinians were killed and 14 wounded in the Israeli strikes, while four Israelis were wounded when more than 200 rockets and mortars were fired south of Israel.

Violence subsides after Hamas and Islamic Jihad activists agree to a ceasefire

Media legend How kites and balloons became militant weapons [19659012] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was ready to "increase the strength of our attacks" if the Palestinians did not stop launching kites and balloons carrying fuel and cargo containers. Explosive devices on the border between Gaza and Israel.

These devices unleashed hundreds of fires in southern Israel, burning more than 2,830 hectares of forest and farmland and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, officials say.

The arson began during the mass demonstrations along the border, during which thousands of Palestinians expressed their support for the declared right of Palestinian refugees to return to their ancestral homes in what is today. Israel and also called for the end of the Gaza blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt.

Gaza health officials say more than 130 Palestinians were killed and 15,000 wounded by Israeli forces during protests.

Human rights groups have accused Israeli troops of using excessive force. Israel has declared to have opened fire only in self-defense or to have tried to infiltrate its territory under the guise of demonstrations

  • Life in the Gaza Strip
  • Israel a- he used excessive force during protests in Gaza?

On Monday, Israeli planes bombed two Hamas posts after incendiary balloons caused four fires in Israel.

Later, Mr. Lieberman announced that Kerem Shalom would be closed for fuel delivery and that the distance at which Gaza fishermen would be allowed to descend from the coast would be reduced from six nautical miles (12 km) to three [19659025]

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Israel also reduced the fishing zone off the Gaza coast by three nautical miles

It arrives a few days after Israel has suspended imports and exports through the passage, with the exception of basic humanitarian supplies – fuel, food, medical equipment and medicines, livestock and food for animals – to put pressure on Hamas. The spokesman called the closure a "crime against humanity".

"These vengeful measures reflect the degree of oppression and ugliness of the crime that Gaza faces, which will have dangerous consequences for which the occupation will bear full responsibility" Fawzi Barhoum said

Rights and Democracy Image writer

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An Israeli NGO said the closure of Kerem Shalom could have disastrous consequences for the people of Gaza

The Israeli non-governmental organization Gisha, which promotes the Palestinians' freedom of movement, said that "the closure of the main Gaza Strip is a heinous act of illegal collective punishment against the two million Palestinians." Residents of Gaza, Israel and Egypt imposed a land, sea and air blockade on Gaza when Hamas strengthened its power in the territory in 2007 by ousting its rivals, one year after winning the parliamentary elections Both countries say the blockade is for self-defense.

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