Israeli air raids struck southwestern Syria after drone infiltration


Israel launched air strikes against three military posts in Syria on Wednesday, according to its army, after intercepting what he described as the incursion of an unarmed drone into its territory.

The attack comes several hours after the Israeli army fired a Patriot missile. shoot down an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, that crossed the Syrian cease-fire line with its neighbor.

In a series of posts on Twitter, the Israeli military said to have hit the three military posts "in response to infiltration of the Syrian UAV Israel [traduction]" believes that the Syrian regime is responsible for actions on its territory and warns against new measures against Israeli forces. "

The official Syrian news agency SANA said Syrian Army Positions in the south-west of the country near the occupied Golan Heights

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war observer based in Britain, said that missiles would probably have been fired by Israel. are striking the Hadar area north of Quneitra, and others are striking the positions of the regime forces and their allies near the town of Baath, and the village of Jaba, "said the monitor.

There was no immediate report of losses, he said.

Earlier Wednesday, the Israeli army said the drone may be on an intelligence mission. of the UAV and Patriot were found on the southern shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee, about 10 kilometers from the ceasefire line with Syria, said the military spokesman, the lieutenant- Colonel Jonathan Conricus

. Israel has been on alert in recent weeks during fighting in southern Syria, warning that the ceasefire lines between the two countries must be respected.

Israel is particularly concerned about the presence of neighboring Damascus Iran in Syria

In February, Israel intercepted what it termed an armed drone sent to its territory by the United States. Iran. 19659016] A series of strikes in Syria that killed Iranians has been attributed to Israel in recent months.

Damascus set its sights on the ousted rebels of Quneitra and the neighboring province of Daraa, where the Syrian uprising began in 2011.

The regime has taken over 80% of the Daraa province since 19 June, after a bombing campaign and deals with the opposition.

Israel seized a large part of the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 and annexed it

The remains of the UAV and Patriot were found on the south shore of the Sea of Galilee, about 10 kilometers from the cease-fire line with Syria [196]. 59021] [ad_2]
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