Israeli law declares the country "nation-state of the Jewish people"


The law is now part of more than a dozen basic laws that together serve as the country's constitution and can only be amended by a majority in the Knesset. Two others, on human dignity and on freedom and freedom of occupation, both promulgated in the 1990s, determine both Jewish and democratic values ​​of the state.

The Basic Laws legally replace the Declaration of Independence. Dan Yakir, chief legal adviser of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, said that although largely declaratory, the new law "will give rise to arguments that Jews should enjoy privileges and subsidies." and rights, because of the special status that this law claims to give to the Jewish people in Israel. "

" In this regard, "he added," this is a racist law. "

He noted that a right According to the interpretation of the Israeli Supreme Court, the Basic Law on Human Dignity had given equality to Israel, but the new law was explicit in raising the status of the Jews

"There is a plausible basic argument The law can override the right to equality which is only inferred and which is not specified anywhere in our constitution, "he said.

Adalah, a legal center that fights for Arab rights in Israel, warned that the law by Jewish citizens, while rooting discrimination against Palestinian citizens and legitimizing exclusion, racism and discrimination. 39, systemic inequality. "

Some supporters lamented that many more polarizing clauses of the law were diluted, and criticized it as a populist measure that came largely from perpetual competition for votes between the Conservative Party of Mr. Netanyahu, the Likud, and the political rivals on his right.

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