Israeli ministers seek changes after the Jewish nation outcry


Two key ministers called for changes to a deeply controversial law declaring Israel the nation state of the Jewish people after a reaction and legal challenge from the Druze minority.

Opponents have called the law "racist" as it makes no mention of the equality and democratic character of Israel, implying that the Jewish nature of the country comes first.

Members of the 130,000-strong Druze community of Israel – many of whom are willing to serve in the police and the army – have denounced

Community leaders have filed a court challenge to the law, made final in the middle of the night of July 19th. It becomes part of the so-called basic laws of Israel, a de facto constitution.

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon called for changes in response to Druze's concerns, saying the law had been "hastily passed".

"The last thing we want is to harm the Druze community" Kahlon I Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett, Nationalist Jewish Nationalist Party, Bennett, who was a prominent defender of He added that the Druze were "our brothers who stand side by side with us on the battlefield."

"We, the government of Israel, have a responsibility to find a way to get Druzes lawmakers to meet Netanyahu, Kahlon and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on the issue Thursday.

Druze leaders also plan a demonstration against the law in central Tel Aviv in August. 4.

The Druze are an offshoot of Shia Islam. Officials say that there are 110,000 in northern Israel and 20,000 in the Golan Heights occupied by Israel.

The legislation makes Hebrew the national language of the country and defines the establishment of Jewish communities as being of national interest. Israeli Arabs have also denounced the law, claiming that it encourages discrimination and racism.

Arab citizens make up 17.5% of the more than eight million inhabitants of Israel. 19659017] Israelis watch fireworks on Jerusalem on April 18, 2018, at the beginning of the annual Independence Day celebrations

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