It is surprising that diesel costs more than gasoline



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In Polish stations, diesel costs 24 to 27 gr / l more expensive than gasoline Pb 95. Diesel owners are shocked, but we can explain why this happened and how long this condition can last.

(illustrated illustrations)

(illustrated illustrations) / AFP

– The fact that this price anomaly – diesel compared to unleaded gasoline – results from the limited supply on the German market – said Maciej Leciorz, expert at CMC Markets, in an interview with MarketNews24 . – The droughts, which occurred in September and September, caused the Rhine, an important diesel transmission channel, to reach its lowest level in years. Diesel reserves have fallen sharply, which has translated into product prices at service stations.

This situation will probably last until melting, which ends in winter and raises the water level on the Rhine. And then in the spring.

Regardless of disparities between the prices of gasoline and diesel, fuel should generally be cheaper in the coming weeks due to lower oil prices on world prices. The price of a barrel of Brent rose from more than $ 85 a barrel in early October to just over $ 60 at the present time, and the price of WTI oil has disappeared by analogy, rising from about 75 USD at just over 50 USD. On average, over a two-month period, giedown crude oil prices fell by around 30%. This should soon be reflected in prices at the service stations, based on the USD / PLN exchange rate, OPEC policy and the reaction rate of the oil companies. However, you can expect a drop in gas prices near the cork, 5 z / liter.

Curiously, diesel is more expensive than gasoline


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