It's always worth being a programmer. Experts predict a shortage of specialists by 2030


About the author

Oskar Ziomek

For several years, we have been talking about a shortage of programmers and the fact that this remains a good orientation of professional development. The high salaries of the more experienced and the contact with the new technologies are tempting, however, the need for virtually constant learning and constant sitting in front of the computer can be discouraged. Regardless of the strengths and weaknesses of the programmer profession, the experts noted that over the next dozen years, computer scientists, including programmers, will find a job without problems, as their shortage will end in Poland in 2030.

This is the result of the upbeat analysis provided by, which was created from information from the European Commission. According to analysts based on the latest data, by 2020 in the European Union, there will remain 600,000 programmers waiting for programmers. vacant. Moreover, in the next two years, most new jobs will be created in France, Portugal and Poland. With optimistic assumptions, the deficit of our country will be reduced in 12 years, but this moment could go further.

We asked the European Commission for the latest data and it turned out that the demand for programmers in the European Union countries had decreased. Currently there are 600,000 vacant people. However, that does not mean fewer computer stations. The reduced deficit reflects the positive effects of training programmers. The number of jobs is increasing and, at the same time, more and more people are joining the sector. – explains the market situation Marcin Kosedowski, head of marketing at the online programming school

An optimistic forecast is of course not the only one. As this pessimist makes clear, the problem of the shortage of information technology specialists in the labor market will not only be resolved by 2030, but will continue to deepen. One of the main reasons for the lack of programmers is the insufficient number of computer graduates.

According to, based on data obtained from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, no more than 14,000 students graduated in Poland in 2014, and these data apply to public universities and private. At the same time, data from the European Commission shows that in Poland, the number of computer specialists has increased by 15% in recent years and will increase by another 18% over the next four years. It is growing faster than in Britain or Spain, but (according to the forecasts adopted), it could still be insufficient to meet market needs.

In the West, the educational system is much more modern than in Poland (…) At home, more and more people are using bootcamps, but it's only a drop in the water. 39, Ocean of Needs. In the past two years, more than 2,000 people have enrolled in our courses. future programmers. If you take into account graduates of all programming bootcamps in Poland, there would be about 6,000. This is not enough yet – adds Marcin Kosedowski.

According to specialists, given the small number of people who complete the appropriate studies, it is precisely the courses and training, including the re-education of employees, that seem to be one of the simplest methods to meet the needs of the market. . However, this does not change the fact that in the coming years, programming and information technology (IT) in the broad sense remain worthy of interest. Statistics and forecasts show that at least until 2030, computer scientists will have no problem finding a job.

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