"Iustitia" criticizes changes to the Supreme Court and National Political Court Register


On Saturday, July 14, the Association of Polish Judges "Iustitia" held a meeting with judges and branches of the association of all Poland. After the talks, the organization summed up its objections to what is happening in the Polish judiciary

National Council of Justice. Criticism of "Iustitia"

We carefully observe the deliberations of the body that administers the National Council of Judges, composed of judges elected by two political groups. The members of this body, including the judges, speak the language of the ruling party

– indicates "Iustitia", and for example Judge Marta Ko¿uchowska-Warywody, whose "new KRS" blocked the promotion. Here is how the organization describes it:

For aggravating and evocative associations with the worst moments in our history, when the courts were entirely under political control, dissemination among the members of the national register of courts should be considered – on the initiative of Krystyna Pawłowicz – lists of judges who, because of their active participation in the struggle for the independence of the judiciary in Poland, should obtain a negative assessment of members of the KRS

When of the meeting with the national register of the Court on this subject the MP Krystyna Pawłowicz She criticized Ko¿uchowski the fact that it was the subject of a critical debate in the European Parliament, to the EC and the CJEU on the reform of the judicial system in Poland and on the participation in demonstrations against the reforms. Pawłowicz said that she was on the list of people who "were going to Brussels to send to Poland."

"Iustitia" about the Supreme Court

The key to the career of the judges is the repression of the first President of the Supreme Court prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf, who is him until April 2020. The same authority has negatively evaluated several judges of the Supreme Court, enjoying great respect and authority. We do not believe in the reliability of the nomination procedure before this body

– evaluates "Iustitia". The Association is of the opinion that the challenges to the positions of the Supreme Court Judge are null and void. Why?

"Iustitia" indicates that the procedure itself was unconstitutional, and the decision of the president who initiated it did not have the countersignature of the prime minister. "Therefore, the election of judges of the Supreme Court will be invalid," we read.

Today, we heard the voices of judges from all over Poland. Everyone agrees with the statements above. In the coming days, we will inform you of our position regarding the legitimacy of participating in such a competition, guided by the good of the Republic of Poland and the protection of the rights of citizens

– in its communication "Iustitia", [19659013]. ¶ more demanding reader, then you must try our new newsletter >>>

Małgorzata Gersdorf has submitted a report to the Sejm. "Supreme Court laws have slowed down judicial activity"

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