Ivanka Trump closes her clothing company. The boycott of its products has proved effective


When we called the mark, no one could predict the success that she would have in the world. After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when and if I will go back to business. However, I know that in the foreseeable future I will be concentrating on my work here in Washington

– Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, wrote in a statement

"I am more than grateful for the work of the IRA. team that has inspired so many women, including myself.Although we will not continue our cooperation, I believe that each of them will succeed in the next chapter "- she added.

Read also: The daughter of Donald Trump manufactures American shoes in China

With a boycott

From the moment Donald Trump was appointed President of the United States at the end in 2016, her 36-year-old daughter was criticized for joining public and commercial functions. At the White House, she is a consultant, with her husband Jared Kushner, for whom she does not receive any remuneration.

Although from 18 months, Ivanka does not exercise direct control over his company and the activity and income are under the control of the trust fund, repeatedly encouraged to boycott his products. Attention was drawn to the appearance of the collection's dresses with his name and surname, as well as on the manufacture of accessories in China in establishments criticized by employees for their poor conditions of and their wages

. From the sale of the collection, they resigned, among others, nearly 55%. Nordstrom department stores and the Canadian Hudson's Bay network. According to the statement of Nordstrom "in recent months, especially in the second half of 2016, the sale of products in the collection has declined so much that the order does not make more sense."

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