Izabela Skrybant-Dziewiątkowska is dead. The singer of Extrium Terry was 80 years old


Izabela Skrybant-Dziewiątkowska died at the age of 80 after a long and serious illness. Longtime singer and songwriter Tercet Egzotyczny fought pancreatic cancer.

The official profile of the artist on Facebook informed of the death of the artist. "Ladies and Gentlemen, We wish to inform you with great difficulty that in the morning of 01/05 2019, Izabela Skrybant-Dziewiatkowska – an icon of the Polish music scene, leader of the Exotic Terce party, has died after the fight against an illness serious "- it was written

– From the beginning I thought that the cancer is gone and will not be. I would not give up. I lost 14 kilos. But it starts well. When I looked at the food, it was not good for me. Now, I can force myself, I eat bananas, because that 's potassium, and my teammates bring me soups cooked by their wives, so that I can only eat – that' s all. so was she talking about her illness in January during a conversation with "Fact".

Izabela Skrybant-Dziewiątkowska since its inception, that is to say since 1963, has been associated with Exotic Trio, the most famous Polish group of Latin American music, popular not only in Poland, but also in Poland. foreign (he has often played in the United States). She was also the wife of the founder of TE, who died in 2002, Zbigniew Dziewiątkowski, with whom she had two daughters.


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