Jacek Kapica – indictment against the former deputy minister


  • The District Attorney's Office in Bialystok has completed an investigation regarding the registration of thousands of low-priced slot machines, called The Public Prosecutor's Office lost more than 21 billion zlotys as part of the described procedure

The former deputy minister and former head of the customs department was charged with two deliberate offenses Information from the prosecutor's office also show that "the accused deliberately breached his duty to supervise the 39 Performing tasks under the Law on Gaming and Mutual Betting, "said PK PK Public Prosecutor Ewa Bialik. supervision of subordinate departments and other units. "

According to PK, Jacek Kapica acted for the purpose of obtaining property benefits for a total amount of more than PLN 21 billion.- The charges against the defendant Jacek Kapica cover the period of 2 February 2008 to 23 November 2009 and from 1 January 2010 to the indefinite date of 2015.

Jacek Kapica – reports PK – "ignored the information on the unreliability of technical research, Jacek Kapica also ended the automatic check ordered by them, as indicated by the prosecutor's office, which is necessary to register the slot machines and not commission them, which led to the legalization of vending machines. The accused did not order the withdrawal of the authorization to inspect the technical controllers for unreliable test units.

Due to the activity of the accused, the owners of "armed bandits" have benefited from it, despite the fact that neither the devices nor e should be registered. Jacek Kapica (agrees to provide the media with complete personal information) was arrested by the CBA on March 29 in Warsaw, on the recommendation of the District Attorney's Office. in Bialystok, who investigates the so-called

After being transferred to the prosecutor's office, Kapica was accused of failing in his official duties in 2008-2015 "in order to obtain financial benefits for other persons, for a total amount of more than PLN 21 billion ". The suspect did not plead guilty, he made brief explanations after the accusations

In April, the court partially accepted the complaint of his lawyer and reduced it by 500,000. PLN to 100 thousand the amount of the deposit applied to Kapuści. In view of the lawyer's complaint, he found that the detention was unfounded and voided the guarantee consisting in the establishment of forced real estate mortgages.

Game scandal lasts for several years. It examined, inter alia, whether in the years 2006-2009, officials of the Ministry of Finance led to the registration, contrary to the regulations in force at the time, of thousands of slot machines. Finally, it was deleted, but after analyzing the legitimacy of this decision, the national prosecutor's office decided to resume the procedure.

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