Jacek Kurski disclosed his salary to the president of TVP. The amount is impressive


J acek Kurski disclosed his earnings. Admittedly, the amount makes impression, the monthly salary of the president of public television far exceeds the national average. Kurski won more than 637,000 PLN from TVP in 2016.

Jacek Kurski is often criticized for turning public television into a huge propaganda tube of law and justice. And no wonder. It was enough to look at the Thursday number of "Wiadomości" to confirm this thesis. In the material dedicated to the signing of the Supreme Court Act, the viewer heard about all past and future successes of the government.

It turns out that the work of the president of TVP is paid sowiecie. How much does Jacek Kurski make? That's what wanted to know the deputies of the Civic Platform – Agnieszka Pomaska ​​and Cezary Tomczyk. They asked a real parliamentary question, to which the President of TVP himself responded.

Jacek Kurski earned PLN 637,000 from the time he was appointed head of TVP. 384 zlotys, which gives a sum of about 26,000 zlotys per month. Maciej Stanecki, a member of the board of TVP, won the same amount. Three members of the Supervisory Board earned PLN 209,000 and the employees and employees of TVP only last year received more than PLN 2 million in bonuses.

It must be admitted that the amounts make an impression, especially since in the discussion of profits the argument about the poor financial condition of TVP will fall. Only last year the state budget to the public broadcaster received a grant of more than 266 million PLN, this year it will be more than 593 million.

source: Newsweek

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