Jack Ma, head of AliExpress, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party


Co-founder and leader of the most valuable CHINESE Ali Baba (It belongs to him, among others, the AliExpress People's Service in Poland), will be one of 100 personalities that the Chinese Communist Party will honor as part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of economic reforms and the opening of the State in the world.

In addition to Jacek Ma, whose portfolio is estimated by Bloomberg at $ 38.4 billion, they will stand out, among others, by Pony Ma, Managing Director of Tencent Holdings Ltd., Head of Baidu Website Robin Lias well as the star of the NBA – Yao Ming.

According to Bloomberg, the confirmation of the affiliation of Jacek Ma and a group of other Chinese businessmen to the Chinese Communist Party is Another example of jamming in China of the border between politics and big business.

It is possible to observe ever closer relations between China's major Internet companies and the government, as the government sees them as one of the most effective ways to achieve its political goals.

– stressed in an interview with Bloomberg Martk Natkin, managing director of Marbridge Consulting. At the same time, he emphasizes however that membership in the Communist Party is not synonymous with intense political activity. It is rather a kind of "stronghold" and a confirmation of your loyalty to the party.

The economic revolution

Economic reforms, whose 40th anniversary is celebrated this year, the Chinese Communist Party was launched in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping.

Their share was also the opening of China to the world. A previously isolated country has become an active player in the international arena – including by strengthening cooperation with the United States and attracting capital to the country of international capital.

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