Jadwiga Staniszkis speaks of "frightened pisias". He sees only a few "good ministers"


Jadwiga Staniszkis thinks that Gersdorf is the first president of the Supreme Court. And he sees President Duda in the state court while he is not completing his term. She also regrets some politicians, after which she expected a different attitude of "servile".

  Jadwiga Staniszkis attended the Rolling Stones concert in 1967

Jadwiga Staniszkis attended the Rolling Stones concert in 1967 (PAP, Photo: Tomasz Gzell)


– There are certain elements that were at the base of Bolshevism – said Jadwiga Staniszkis in TVN24, criticizing the actions of the ruling party. However, the sociologist admitted that PiS manages the economy and has several "good ministers". – It's great – said Agriculture Minister Jan Ardanowski.

But that did not repair the bad opinion about Jaroslaw Kaczynski's party. – I see these pisias scared, I see that people in state-dependent institutions are scared – she added.

– I've known him for a long time, but badly, like most people – she admitted referring to the chairman of the PiS. And she said that what is happening in the country is "the destruction after the death of her brother". According to sociologist Kaczyński wants to leave "such a desert."


See also: The Rolling Stones on SN. Miller: It was a kind gesture

– He should appear before the State Court when he finishes his term – she said unequivocally, referring to President Andrzej Duda. And she decided that he "attracts her with a future cadence". – I do not understand people who look calmly – she admitted


She also answered the question of whether Małgorzata Gersdorf is the first president of the Supreme Court. – In my opinion, it is because the constitution is the most important legal act in Poland – she said. And she said that the PiS had acted correctly in withdrawing from the Act of the Institute of National Memory in its original form

An authoritarian country in which no one would go to the president [19659014] Also mentioned several politicians, after which she expected other more moral behavior, among others Jaroslaw Gowin, Krzysztof Szczerski. – Until recently, I respected them – she said. – And it would be enough to put in place – she added

– You can see with what ability to scare and exercise servility. President Duda is the pinnacle of this attitude – she said. The sociologist admitted that he "has very well promoted it against Komorowski". Jadwiga Staniszkis in an interview with Monika Olejnik on TVN24 also admitted that she was at the Rolling Stones concert in 1967. At the Sunday performance, the singer talked about the Polish judicial reform.

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