Jaki: A reprivatization mafia appreciates Śpiewak's attack. Singer: PiS has more corpses in the wardrobe – GazetaPrawna.pl


Jan Śpiewak (leader of the Wolne Miasto Warszawa Association and candidate for the presidency of the capital) on Monday accused the audit committee of not wanting to take care of this property in Bielany; pointed out that PiS Bielany's head was involved in the case. At a subsequent conference, Jaki replied that the audit committee was conducting an audit investigation at Marymoncka 49 and that the allegations of Śpiewak were unfair and aimed at "overthrowing" him in the presidential election of Warsaw


"This is only the beginning: PiS has more corpses in Warsaw's wardrobe than the family of Bielany town councilors Świderskich" The commission is blind to one eye, but we will change the l 39; an agreement that shook Warsaw for two decades. wrote "Śpiewak on Twitter."

Patryk Jaki then accused the head of the MMW that he "is probably of course with the OP" and "mentally attacking" the audit committee. "I did everything to cooperate, you know how many cases J. Śpiewak reported to KW for a year, 6 (in words: six) – less than 1% of our work, better media than a specific work, which is always easier. " And did Councilor Spiewak claim that the people he presented to the District Council of óródmieście are in coalition with the OP and have outraged WZ-tki on repossessed real estate … Only reprivatisation benefits from silly attack of Mr. iewpiewak on #MomisjaWeryfikacyjna? The right wing of the mayor of Warsaw

"When the developer and one of the main accused of the Maciej M scandal persuaded me, Patryk Jaki founded a family and friends at the town hall of Opole . " Such a difference #WygraWarszawa "- says Śpiewak on Twitter.

All the conflict began with the morning conference of the leader of the Free City of Warsaw, who reported that in 2004, the management of Unalnych buildings – Bielany handed over the housing to ul. Marymoncka 49 heirs presumed solely on the basis of the real estate transfer protocol, that is to say without a decision of reprivatization and without a notarial deed.He also pointed out that Edmund Świderski, head of the PiS of Bielsko-Biała and city councilor, was then head of the ZBK

He added that this case had been "submitted to the audit committee", but the commission did not want to deal with this issue. According to him, the prosecutor's office and the law enforcement agencies behaved in the same way

and he replied at the press conference that the audit committee was carrying out a verification procedure in the M case. arymoncka 49. He assured that the commission dealt with all the cases reported by iewpiewak to date. At the same time, he pointed out that Marymoncka was not among them. 49. In his opinion, the allegations against the audit committee are unfair and their purpose is to "push" him into the Warsaw mayor's elections.

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