Jan-Michael Vincent: an amateur who wastes talent and wastes beauty


Jan-Michael Vincent, who recently celebrated his 74th birthday, became famous in the 1980s with the television series "Airwolf". The cherubian beauty of a handsome boy with blond hair quickly earned him star status. The women wanted to be with him, and the men wanted to be him. The popularity hit Vincent. He quickly fell into the clutches of alcohol and drug addiction. He also had a problem with controlling the aggression: his battles had already become legendary, and the three women accused him of physical violence.

In 1996, he once again drove a car after alcohol. As a result of an accident, he broke three cervical vertebrae and damaged the vocal cords, which changed the color of his voice. It has not changed much in his life. Only years later, he managed to get out of the addiction. Unfortunately, his career shattered much earlier

In 2012, the infection attacked his right leg. She failed to save – they had to be amputated. Jan-Michael Vincent, once an amateur, moves into a wheelchair today and is completely different from the past. He is also struggling with debts of up to $ 70,000.

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