Janusz Korwin-Mikke drowning in the Baltic Sea? A strange scene in Łazy


R Surfers on the beach of Łazy received the signal that there is a man in the water who needs to 39, help and can drown. They started with support, and after a while it turned out that "sinking" is Korwin-Mikke. The politician himself says that's a big misunderstanding.

As the writing "Super Express", Korwin-Mikke, leader of the Wolność party, chose to rest on one of the unguarded beaches of Łazy. In addition, a red flag was floating above her. Probably for this reason, when someone noticed that there was a man in the water, he immediately informed the rescuers. They rushed to help.

"Super Express" quotes a witness who claims that Korwin-Mikke was severely weakened and could not go ashore alone. The rescuers were actually shooting him out.

What's interesting? He claims to have everything under control, he is a great swimmer. – When I came home quietly after a while, there were two lifeguards on the bank and they told me that they were supposed to save me because they had a signal that somebody was dying. Well, in this country, you can not even drown in peace – he answers in an interview with "SE".

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