Jarosław Zieliński. Will he pay the dismissal for the scandal in Podlasie | policy


A politician from Podlasie said: – I have a friend in the Lomza police. They hate him here. He confirmed everything that happened recently in the media. He said that he had to change into a suit to pretend to be a POS. He also talked about the situation where Zieliński had a show at a ceremony in Łuża, where there were few street people, hence the police gala present in the city. 39, hearing, as well as command employees, to improve participation.

The same interlocutor quotes another story related to the minister. – Police colleagues confirm that special patrols must protect his home. They say that Zieliński sounds the alarm from time to time and measures when they will see him – he says.

The revenge of the groups of influence

The subject of the police is inextricably linked to Minister Zielinski. In the end, he is in the building at ul. Batorego is responsible for uniformed services. Recently, however, the noise is about it, however, because of an avalanche of anonymous complaints, which in the form of letters were sent to Boena Kamiñska, MP for Podlasie Civic Platform. The police accuse them of politics, among other things that they must take care of his house and the deputies' office, dress up as officers of the State Protection Service or go to the church at all.

They describe and describe the local media on a current basis. "Monitor the property of Deputy Minister Jarosław Zieliński, posing as a state security service, appoint a police officer with several years at the head – such Slovak police describe the situation within the local command", reads in "Suwałki Courier".

The police must be in the street, close to people, and not disguise themselves by pretending to be COR officers or SOPs. They must not be used for private purposes

– noted General Adam Rapacki, who in two governments of Donald Tusk (first deputy of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, then seconded from the Ministry of the Interior) was responsible for the police, border guards and the Office of Government Protection.

Then, General Rapacki: – In the cabinet where I am today Minister Zieliński, I spent 4.5 years. I did not have police protection because I did not want it. I did not even have police drivers because I dismissed them, convinced that these jobs are needed on the street and not in the custody of the officials.

The deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration is not particularly concerned about the allegations, the culprit is looking elsewhere. "Part of the media and opposition politicians in retaliation for violating the influential interests of groups and people are trying to make me laugh and discredit me by duplicating the stories that have been leaked about me. too clear for whom and why this campaign should be used, "he wrote on Twitter on 16 November.

Personally, he did not respond to Kamiński's arrests. In the Sejm, he was explained by another deputy minister of the ministry, subordinate to Joachim Brudziński – responsible for documents on computer and identity, Pawe³ Majewski. He spoke, among other things, that Podlasie is one of the safest regions in Poland, the detection of crimes in the province continues to grow and the police themselves are re-established in the region itself. Responses to the main part of the questions of opposition MPs – the use of the police for personal purposes by an influential politician – were however lacking.

– We will return to the case of Minister Zieliński, we will not leave it like that – announced in an interview with Gazeta.pl, the MP Jerzy Meysztowicz of Nowoczesna, member of the parliamentary committee of the interior. Minister Majewski's speech in the parliamentary gallery is called "a flammable report about a good change in the police" and a "curiosity".

However, the party's colleague – chairman of the internal affairs committee of Arkadiusz Czartoryski MP PiS – does not see the problem.

The Commission does not employ nor exempt it. In addition, the handling of police personnel matters does not fall within our purview

– he says when we question him about the controversy surrounding the deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. – Until I receive a written or oral request to review the question, I have a hand link. And for now, this committee issue has not been addressed – he adds.

The breakthrough also did not bring about control, which the police headquarters did at the Suwałki municipal police headquarters when the case was made public by the media. As the KGP assured, it resulted that neither Minister Zieliński nor any of the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior ordered police officers to do anything. The wine fell on the police commanders. They were supposed to be "too zealous, which could lead to a lack of understanding on the part of some officers and, therefore, of public opinion".

Joachim BrudzińskiJoachim Brudziński Jakub W³odek / Agencja Gazeta

The head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Joachim Brudziński, and the chief of police, the general insp. Jarosław Szymczyk. He also submitted the latest requests to the police headquarters. In addition, the KGP announced that it would take administrative action against supervisors "by giving orders to officers beyond the tasks of the statutory police".

We wanted to know how many people would be held liable when this would happen and what the consequences would be, but KGP's spokesman until the publication of this article did not answer the phone from us and did not answer the questions. We have not managed to speak with Minister Zielinski.

Podlaski satrapa

Meanwhile, in the region of the deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, frustration grows.

The police in Podlasie have the most overhauled because it is a permanent campaign here

– We hear one of the local politicians. "Low caliber politics is losing it, it's a source of pity and embarrassment, and for those of you who know it better, I've heard it's a bad person, abstract of political opinion." our interlocutor.

General Adam Rapacki: – The retired commander, whom I know, is terrified by what is happening in the police in Podlasie. They say that, according to the activities of Minister Zieliński today in Podlasie, be a little embarrassed to be a policeman. The young people who are still serving are in turn intimidated and allow themselves to use the circus for this purpose. And their commanders? Most of them are theirs, so either they do what they are supposed to do, or they will not do it because they know who they owe their work to.

The confirmation of the words above does not need to look far. A few days ago, the head of the Podlaskie Voivodship, known in the region as Zieliński, announced on Suwałki Radio 5 "a contest of the best anonymity on MP Kamiñska". Superintendent. Daniel Kołnowicz encouraged listeners for writing about the MP's income and business travel. This is a reaction to anonymous letters issued by police officers from the cities of Podlasie. All the action touched the headquarters of the voivodeship and Minister Zieliński.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Jarosław ZielińskiDeputy Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Jarosław Zieliński Marcin Onufryjuk / Agencja Gazeta

And Zieliński is an important figure in Podlasie. Its power and influence in the region have already become legendary. All the more so despite the many controversies that he evokes, he has not been reprimanded. Most of the questions we asked Zieliński about him and his image of the problems of the delegates of the ruling party in Podlasie do their best to escape the answer. As a mantra, they repeat that they do not know the case (even if for about a dozen days the whole country is talking about it), they do not deal with the police, they do not want to talk. For information, they send us back to party spokeswoman Beata Mazurek and her government counterpart, Joanna Kopciñska. Unfortunately, none of them answered the phone from us nor answered the questions.

A politician from Podlaski, with whom we talked about the Deputy Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, remembers the situation as a result of the celebration of one of the feasts. At the official provincial ceremonies, there was no representative police company, Minister Zieliński had to borrow. – I have paid attention to one of the most important PiS politicians in the region. He only replied: Minister Zieliński has huge needs in representation – we hear.

A member of Podlachie, who knows Zieliński: – The self-governed PiS look away or look even clearer. Because what's left of them? Zieliński, from time to time, falls on their heads with their demands, their desires and their unimaginable ego.

For him, what he does is natural. Services should be for power, the police should be for power. Everything must be of impeccable splendor – is, Byzantine. Zieliński is our podlaska satrapy

– adds our interlocutor.

We ask Robert Tyszkiewicz, Member of Parliament for Podlasie, for the above opinions. "When Minister Zieliński walks with uniforms, be it police, border guards, or any other service, you can see how it develops in the eyes. It's for him the essence of power – glamor, celebrations, greetings, greetings – describes the PO politician.


Most of the people we talk to the deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration have a problem with the explanation. How is it that despite criticism criticized for three years, he has not lost his job. The recent revelations of the Suwalki police are just the tip of the iceberg. Among the crimes, the biggest media career was to force the Białystok police to cut confetti for the Minister's arrival in Augustow, as well as a dance performed for Zielinski by seniors in the group. dance "Hawaii Dreams" in Białystok.

The death of 25-year-old Igor Stachowiak, tortured by police officers in one of the Wrocław police stations, was far more serious. This cast a shadow not only on the image of Zielinski himself, but also on that of the entire Polish police. The deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration has certainly not improved the mass demonstration of police officers in early November this year. Officers from many Polish cities took sick leave, demanding that the government reconsider their claims for a month.

Our position has been known for a long time and criticizes Minister Zielinski. As President Kukiz said: we are asking for changes from the minister in charge of the police and the deep structural reforms within the police headquarters.

– says Andrzej Maciejewski of Kukiz15, member of the parliamentary committee of the interior, in an interview with Gazeta.pl.

10/12/2017, Warsaw, Sejm President Marek Kuchciński, and PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński on the occasion of the 92nd month celebration of Smolensk.10/12/2017, Warsaw, Sejm President Marek Kuchciński, and PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński on the occasion of the 92nd month celebration of Smolensk. Fig. Dawid ¯uchowicz / Agencja Gazeta

The dismissal of Zieliński has long been jointly demanded by the entire opposition. However, the head of the minister still does not fall. Why?

I summarize Zieliński's strong position in two words: agreement between the Center. However, it is the old guard Jarosława, whose head will not fall. Trusted President

– Politician PiS explains me. Thread of the so-called The Order of the PC, or the group of the closest collaborators of President Kaczyński, is also included in the statements of several other politicians with whom we speak of Minister Zielinski. In this list of reasons, its teflonity does not end.

Opposition MP: – In the lobbies of the Sejm, it is said that one of the secrets of Zieliński 's longevity is the fact that no one wants to address the ministry' s. Interior and Administration. Nobody wants to take care of him after what he has done with uniformed services in just three years.

Zieliński is also one of the two most powerful politicians of the ruling party in Podlasie. His long-time deputy with the head of PiS structures, MP Krzysztof Jurgiel, maintains a particular status quo in the region. Jurgiel is a former Minister of Agriculture who is in disgrace with President Kaczyński since his resignation. Zieliński is therefore a guarantor of balance in Podlasie for Nowogrodzka, as he constantly keeps Jurgiel in check, trying to climb to the forefront of the region.

Zielinski or the problem

The problem is that the recent rivalry of the two politicians has become uncontrollable. The result was the chaos that, after the election of the local authorities, ended with the election of the President of the Podlasie Regional Council, Karol Pilecki, of the Citizens Coalition Council. It was a shock for the party headquarters. Finally, in the Podlaski Parliament, the PiS has an independent majority.

Politician PiS authorities: – Recent events in the Podlaskie Regional Council could weaken Zielinski. His conflict with Jurgiel was uncontrollable, he had to be taken over by the president himself. Jaros³aw knows that a long-term solution must be given to another solution for Podlasie.

According to our interlocutors, Zieliński is nowadays a problem for the PiS, and not only with regard to party structures in Podlasie. The November protest of police officers and media reports of police officers from Podlasie about how the minister in uniform emanated from Minister Zieliński undermined his position within the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Interior. Administration.

Zieliński became a problem for Minister Brudziński. His impunity undermines the authority of the head of the Ministry of the Interior and the administration.

– says Ludwik Dorn in an interview with Gazeta.pl, former head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration and former vice president of PiS. – When the police see what Zieliński is doing and he does not bear any consequences, she wonders who is really the most important of the ministry: the minister or the deputy minister – he says.

According to our sources, the urgent explanations that the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration recently asked Zielinski are not just a media act. – Joachim is not in good relationships – a person oriented in the party riddles tells us. He adds that the main reason for the absence of "chemistry" between politicians is the fact that after the PiS's electoral defeat in 2007, it was Zieliński who replaced Brudziński in the presidency of the secretary general of the party.

In the end, Zieliński persevered in the new role for two years because he was so weak that we sold off and Joachim became the head of the new Executive Committee.

– said our interlocutor.

PiS politicians tell us that with the previous head of the Ministry of the Interior, Mariusz Błaszczak, Zieliński had rather tense relations. The environment of the current head of the Ministry of National Defense is often complained about Zielinski.

In the party, it is not known that it is a very conflicting case

– One of the ruling party politicians tells. – When he was mayor of the center, much of our club at that time had thrown out newspapers because they had enough – we hear.

Although the final decision on Zieliński's future depends on President Kaczyński, one can think that the minister is increasingly perceived as a burden for a "good change". – I absolutely do not understand why we still hold him – irritates the politician PiS, to whom we ask questions about Zielinski's future. – From the party's point of view, it adds no added value, it is also a negative value. Morawiecki, Ziobro or What are specific advantages, specific voices, so it is useful to have them. And Zieliński? Rationally, this can not be explained – he adds.

Ludwik Dorn believes that the first sign that will tell us what to do with the Deputy Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration will be the effects of the aforementioned check, carried out by the KGP at the headquarters of the Suwalki Municipality. If the leaders of major commanders are stifled in Podlasie – says the president of the Sejm – it will be a sign that Zieliński's practices no longer exist. If, however, this ends with the summoning of one or the other officer to the commander of the voivodeship and an educational conversation, this means that Zieliński's stance has remained unshakeable.

Mucha: PiS builds mafia state in Poland

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