Joachim Brudziński informs the legal department of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration after the entry of MP Michał Szczerba


  • Adamczyk [19juillet9002] Adamczyk said that the police had beaten him in the bushes and choked him while in detention 19659004] The head of the Ministry of the Interior and the l '. Administration refers to the entrance of MP Michał Szczerba. The politician posted on Twitter two photos of July 20, when some brutal arrests of several protesters occurred in front of the Sejm during a protest against the changes passed in the Supreme Court. According to inmate Bartosz Adamczyk, the police beat him. The man stated that he had been beaten in the bushes and had been forced by officers. In the image published by MP Szczerba, you can see Adamczyk and one of the police officers intervening. "The elderly aspirant Robert Sawera and citizen Bartosz Adamczyk, one with devotion serves the authorities, the other defends" – he wrote to the photo Szczerba. According to some Internet users, the entrance of a deputy can have tragic consequences for the policeman and his relatives.

    In the second article published today by the Ministry of the Interior, it says: "It is obvious that any attack against the police when he is executed by a dangerous criminal, hooligan or irresponsible member of the Polish Parliament, it is the duty of the Polish state to respond. "[1965900] Earlier, the police responded to the entrance of MP Szczerba.In the commentary placed under the entrance of the deputy, we read:" Dear sir, let's call reason and repentance, you are life of a police officer and his family. "These entries can lead to a tragedy: people who call for violence against the family and the closest police officers.

    In response, MP Szczerba wrote:" You have a chance to show your loved one all the time, threats against officials who fulfill the deputies' mandate, I officially threaten myself as well as Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus. "Szczerba has placed another photo under this entry.It presents a vulgar entry by one of the anonymous Twitter users who writes about the "request to shoot down" several people from the CODE.Further in this vulgar entry is the name of Szczerba and Mrs. Scheuring-Wielgus

    Speaking at this entrance, the police wrote: "We will take care of the safety of our police officers and their families and determine the perpetrators. Detention of Adamczyk

    On July 20, Szczerba published photos of Bartosz Adamczyk, detained that day, which also appears in Szczerba, to which the Minister of the Interior and the Ministry of Interior. Administration, Brudzinski, reacted in the evening. On 20 July another demonstration was held in front of the Sejm, where the Fifth Amendment to the National Register Law of the Court, the Supreme Court, the ordinary courts and the prosecutor's office was adopted. During the demonstration, the police arrested four people.

    During the demonstration, on July 20, before the Sejm, there were demonstrations with police officers. "Yesterday, in connection with the Sejm assembly, the most aggressive protesters were arrested, four detainees were arrested," Warsaw Police spokesman Sylwester Marczak (19659007) reported. Among them, Dawid Winiarski, hospitalized. There is a record of his detention on the network where he can be seen being dragged by officers, and then he is lying in a hospital with an orthopedic collar.

    The participants in the demonstrations believe that the police behaved extremely brutally. Bartosz Adamczyk reported that the police dragged him into the bushes near the Sejm and beat and crushed them. – Dawid Winiarski suffered a neck injury and head injuries – said Onet Klementyna Suchanow, who participated in the protest. – He told me that he had been dug up, thrown to the ground, against the walls, that he had a terrible headache – said Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus. The deputy of Modern Piotr Misiło turned to the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration with an arrest of the name of Winiarski and Bartosz Adamczyk.


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