Joanna Koroniewska had problems with the role in "M jak miłooæ". "I got called at the bus stop"


Joanna Koroniewska owes the greatest popularity to the series "M jak mi³oÊæ", in which she has performed since the first episodes. It turns out that her serial role Małgosi, Basia and Lucjan Mostowiacy's daughters, is also the worst for her. No wonder the actress does not want to return to production.

Joanna Koroniewska had problems playing the role in "M jak mi³oææ"

Koroniewska in an interview with WP admitted that the role in "M jak miłooæ" she brought him a lot of problems. In "emce", she first played a calm and boring girl, and later she was divorced several times – she left three of her husbands – Michał (played by Paweł Okraska), Steffen (Steffen Möller) and Tomek (Andrzej Młynarczyk). In the meantime, she had two romances, and in the end she also left a child to stay in the sect.

The viewers did not forgive her and unfortunately they could not separate the actress from the character she was playing. For what she did on Małgosia's screen, Joanna Koroniewska was in her private life.

Joanna Koroniewska called at the bus stop

Joanna Koroniewska admitted that she was often hateful because viewers could not distinguish her from the figure of Małgosia

& J Was called, for example, at bus stops by Older women who were wrong with the reality of the show with the real – admits the actress in an interview with the Polish army.

But this is not the end. For what her serial portrait Koroniewska did, she was also punished in "Tańca z gwiazdami". The spectators did not want to vote for her, because at the time, in the series Ma³gosia, Steffen was divided with the Poles loved by them.

Most of the hate came when my heroine was associated with the character played by Steffen Möller. Ma³gosia let him down. This was the culminating moment in which I was picked up one by one like Małgorzata Mostowiak. When my character threw a guy into the show, I just participated in "Tańca z gwiazdami". After the first episode, I was the lowest of the table. People really hated me. Me through the character that I played.

The journalists themselves were no better either, who also confused the name of the actress with the name of her serial character.

I remember times when he had arrived at reporters confusing my name with a serial character. They did an interview with Małgorzata Koroniewska – recalls the actress

Today, as she notes, it's a bit better, because the actors have contacts with the viewers in the social media and can show their true face. It is therefore easier for people to distinguish reality from serial fiction. Despite this, the actress continues to fight hatred on the net


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