Joanna Krupa lost in court with a former agent. Is a shared comment. Krupa will pay compensation?


Kłotnia Joanna Krupa with manager Małgorzata Leitner

Author: Kurnikowski / AKPA
Kłotnia Joanna Krupa with manager Małgorzata Leitner

A year ago, Joanna Krupa accused her manager of cheating. She accused Małgorzata Leitner of having handled the contracts and the finances of the model in a mistaken manner and having to owe money. Krupa therefore reported the case to the prosecutor's office. Unfortunately, after a few months, she failed in court. It turned out that not only did she not submit the relevant documents, but that, according to Leitner, she was able to provide false information in the prosecutor's office. Agent for the first time commented so brutally!

During the last year, Joanna Krupa gave several interviews in which she attacked her manager Małgorzata Leitner without further ado. Of course, it was a money issue.

– She was my friend, but now he is my enemy. If I had money at someone, I could not sleep at night, I could not look myself in the mirror. She made money at my expense, and now she does not want to pay them Krupa thundered in the interviews.

Leitner, yes, issued a statement denying the accusations of his former client, but in fact, she commented on the case only now. She gave an interview to the industry magazine "MBA Manager", in which she spoke about the history of her cooperation with Joanna Krupa and indicated that his former client can now have legal problems.

– Joanna was in the States a bikini model that has been housed in many men's magazines. For obvious reasons, this was not a good starting point and no other modeling agency embarked on this task. – recalls the beginning of the cooperation with Krupa. – However, the idea of ​​promoting a stranger in Poland seemed interesting to me and I accepted this cooperation, I took up the challenge. It was not bad, especially at the beginning we were not really nil, but clearly underneath – says Leitner.

After a few years, Krupa was one of the most popular names in the Polish show. Thanks to Leitner, she manages popular programs and becomes the face of big companies. Its annual income in Poland is estimated at 2 million. zł. After a few years, however, she decided to end the cooperation with her agent and her company in an atmosphere of scandal. The case was brought to court and it soon became clear that all the allegations of Krupa's Litner fraud were unfounded. The verdict is now legally binding.

How does the manager comment on this matter? And what threatens Krupa now?

– The eighth year of our cooperation has been a record in financial terms. We managed to sign big contracts with Joanna. At the same time, it was a difficult year in his private life, which I can talk about now, because there are many articles on divorce and its alleged financial difficulties. According to many people, she would have succumbed to bad advisers, trying not to pay agency commissions for the latest contracts, accusing the agency of alleged breach of contract. In Hollywood, there are similar cases of star-studded conflicts, but it's the first case of this kind in a 13-year career. Joanna did not show all the documents and she may have reported the facts to the prosecutor's office. Fortunately, the court quickly dismissed all charges with a legally binding decision – Leitner reveals and suggests that Joanna could face serious consequences. – That's what every citizen. Criminal Procedure for False Testimony and Civil Claim for Damages Leitner says firmly.

Everything indicates that the ladies will end up in court, but this time the accused will be Joasia.

The current director, Krupa, did not comment on this.

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