Joanna Lichocka: Kaja Godek wants to trigger a conflict in the PiS


– I am not impressed by the attacks from this milieu, but I am outraged by the way Mrs Godek and her colleagues treated the chairman of the Social Policy Committee, Bożena Borys-Szopa. Ms. Kaja Godek has the audacity to insult her and denigrate her. This is a scandalous action – says the deputy

Asked by Eliza Olczyk about the motives for Godek's action, Lichock says: it's about introducing a conflict in the PiS and break a few percent of the vote in the next election. – Let me remind you that in 2007, Marek Jurek also tried to break the PiS using the slogan of the protection of life. I am not surprised that she is now coming to committee meetings and sits side by side with Godek – says Lichocka. – In the PiS program there is nothing to strengthen the law on abortion – adds

.The deputy assessed the actions of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, praising the president of the law and the justice. – It is clear that the decision was correct. I think that even for our opponents, it is clear that President Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a wise man on the wise and this is still confirmed –

More in the current issue of the weekly "Wprost".

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