Joe Lieberman's daughter moves to Israel with his family – before


The daughter of former US Senator and former Vice President Joe Lieberman was one of the most 232 North Americans to arrive in Israel. On Wednesday, on a special flight chartered by the Nefesh aliyah organization Nefesh, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Lieberman's daughter, Hana Lowenstein, immigrates to Israel with her husband Daniel and their four children, ages 2 to 7.

"We're going to go a lot," Lieberman told The Post. His eldest grandchild already lives in Israel, "so it's a movement in our family."

"I'm excited, I'm proud of them – it's the Jewish future, the Jewish fate," he continued. "We miss them of course but thanks to God we have WhatsApp and Facetime and Skype, I am very grateful that we were living at a time – for the first time in two millennia – that there is a Jewish state of origin. Israel that Jews around the world can choose by choice and not just because they need a sanctuary. "[19659003] Alyssa Fisher is a news writer at the front. Email it to [email protected] or follow it on Twitter at @alyssalfisher

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