JSW has a plan for the areas around the Krupiński mine


Parallel to the presentation of the program JSW Innowacje – the subsidiary of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń and the Katowice Special Economic Zone created a special vehicle, created a special company that will manage the entire project. – All its elements have economic fundamentals, we think that they will be profitable and will give jobs for decades – said the CEO of JSW Daniel Ozon

According to him, the revitalization program is the closing of the cycle of life of the mine. – The cycle ends, but there is no more vacuum after the mine – he said. The Krupiński mine in Susziec was established in the 1980s. In March 2017, JSW transferred it as definitely unprofitable to SRK for liquidation.

Today, several letters of intent concerning future investments in the region after Krupiński have also been signed. Revitalization plans include construction of electric and hydrogen bus production lines and a small electric car. Partners include Pol-Mot and a producer of the EDAG automotive industry. Another element is the construction of a fuel cell plant for hydrogen in cooperation with the potentate in this area – Ballard.

In cooperation with PKP Cargo in the post-mining areas, a plant will be created, which will build and refurbish the carts and transform the locomotives into hydrogen. President Ozon pointed out that the JSWs in its coking plants produce large quantities of coke oven gas, from which it is possible to extract the amount of hydrogen sufficient to power 900 buses.

with the University of Chemnitz, production of carbon fiber from the raw materials of the JSW coking plant is planned. The next elements of the program are the park of innovation – a startup incubator and – in cooperation with BGKN, a self-sufficient housing estate, used for heating, among others geothermal water

The energy portion of the program. The entire revitalization program – in cooperation with Tauron – must be a pumped storage facility. The installation of 93 MW will cost about 740 million zlotys. The water must be pumped between the surface tank on the post-mining pile and the underground excavations 800 m underground. At the same time, the Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski recalled that the case of the Krupiński mine arouses many emotions and that a number of people are accused of making an unfair decision to close it and submit it to SRK. – Today, the JSW Board of Directors presents an ambitious program. The ambition of the company is to show that it will be the most developed post-mining area in the world. And I think that will happen – said Tchórzewski –

According to him, the whole program is "a different point of view on Silesia, a new opening for post-mining areas". – I wish you happiness, those who are facing challenges are lucky. (…) I am optimistic about the future – said Tchórzewski.

Deputy Minister of Energy Grzegorz Tobiszowski stressed that mining is not only mining, but also land and real estate, and Krupiński becomes the flagship project of the Polish concept of zones degraded. – It is a phase of a different quality, not only positive results in the coal sector, but also new innovative companies in post-industrial areas. It's something that Poland can be proud of and go to foreign markets, like Asia, "Tobiszowski said.

Trade unionists, also a potential investor, oppose the liquidation of Krupiński – the British company Tamar Resources says it wants to resume mining with a company. In July, the Ministry of Energy announced that it would not support Tamar's efforts. Tobiszowski, interviewed today by reporters on why the ministry did not respond to Tamar's offer, said that there was no " what and how to answer ". – If we ask for details, recommendations and that the other makes noise information, how should we behave? Where are the funds? We ask questions all the time. If there is a serious offer, we will answer – he said

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