Julia's son and Andrzej Przyłębski found a job. He will use his resume at the giant of the political state


He started his work a few months ago as a director and deals with the image of the company.

Marcin Przy³êbski is a Germanist by training. He lived in Germany for six years. He knows – as the statement on LinkedIn shows – in English and German.

Working for a champion among Polish insurers means an upward movement. Previously, he worked for Pekao Bank. These two companies are financially linked. Last year, the insurance giant reorganized the banking giant by buying Italian UniCredit at 32.8%. Pekao shares for 10.6 billion zlotys. The PZU authorities felt that it was "an exceptional opportunity at an attractive price". The success of the Polish capital takeover policy has also been announced.

PrzyłĘbski at PZU

Marcin Przy³êbski on LinkedIn is still listed as a bank employee and not as an insurer. He became Director of Cooperation with the Bank's Institutions in November 2017. He was previously Director of the Office of Investor Services of the Poznań City Council (where he worked for 10 years) under the chairmanship of Ryszard Grobelny and Jacek Ja¶kowiak (PO).

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When Newsweek wrote about Marcin Przy³êbski's employment in a bank a few months ago, the employer at the time pointed out that "he has all the qualifications and experience to be director of the cooperation with the institutions ".

PZU is the bone of contention between Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. Currently, Pawe³ Surówka is the president of PZU. The insurer therefore belongs to the sphere of influence of Ziobro. The pigeon is a close associate of one of the trusted people of the minister, the former president of PZU Michał Krupiński. The wife of the minister, Patrycja Kotecka, also works in this group of assets. She is the marketing manager at Link4, which belongs to the insurer.

Julia Przyłębska became president of the Constitutional Court in December 2016.

Professor Andrzej Przy³êbski has been Poland's ambassador to Germany since August 2016.

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