Juliusz Braun accuses Jacek Kurski's president of "manipulation"


Polish TV president Jacek Kurski said in a Tuesday briefing for journalists that the results of Jedynka and Twos's viewing for the first half of this year. they are 10 percent. higher than according to Nielsen data. He based his claim on the research created by Nielsen and the Real Visualization Model (MOR).

– Viewers TVP1 and TVP2 in the first half of 2018 are about 10 percent based on the actual behavior of viewers. higher than according to Nielsen's measure. These data are very important when it comes to our plans for the future. We say that the audience of Telewizja Polska is higher than that of Nielsen. In the case of commercial stations, the actual model view is inferior to Nielsen data. We think we are very hurt – argued the president of TVP.

Jacek Kurski also pointed out that the increase in audience does not result from the world football championships.

According to the data presented at the conference, from January to June 2018 TVP Group recorded a 0.6 percentage point increase compared to the first half of 2017. – from 18 to 18.6%

– L & Audience of TVP1, TVP2 and the whole group increases. This is the first time in 16 years – explained Jacek Kurski. He also pointed out that the competition – Polsat and TVN in the same period has recorded a steady decline. Until now, Jedynka and Dwójka have also registered a downward trend.

On the slide presented at the conference, it appears that in the first half of 2016 (when Jacek Kurski and Maciej Stanecki joined the TVP), TVP1 and TVP2 drop by 1.6 point percent. (20.1%) compared to the same period a year earlier (21.7%). However, one year later, the two main channels recorded an audience share of 18%, which is already a drop of 2.1 points. proc.

Leader of the television market audience in the first half of this year was Polsat. The second was TVP1, whose share in the analyzed period increased by 2.27%. up to 10.37 percent Podium is completed by TVN – 9.33%, after a decrease of 4.70%. In turn, the average share of the last two was 8.22%, after an increase of 4.85%

[1945900] [1945900] Former TVP president Juliusz Braun: "Jacek Kurski lies"

Juliusz Braun, former president of Polish television in 2011-2015, disagreed with the data presented, calling it "manipulation".

– Jacek Kurski announced that for the first time in 16 years, the audience of the TVP group's programs was increasing ] Jacek Kurski ment, relying on the fact that no one will reach the data from the source – he points out in an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl. – In fact, the downward trend was overcome in 2014, the last full year of my term. For the first time since 2005, there has been an increase in the cumulative share of TVP channels. The total share then rose to 30.98%, or 0.72 percentage points. percent. more than in 2013 – justifies Juliusz Braun.

He argues, on the basis of the data: – In 2015, the total share of the TVP channel market was 31.21% according to KRRiT data. It was therefore another year of growth. The rebound began with the assumption of the president by Jacek Kurski. In 2016, audience shares fell to 29.38%, while in 2017, they reached 27.95%. – [traduit]

Jacek Kurski criticizes Nielsen's researches, seeks an alternative

Practically since the beginning of the accession of Jacek Kurski to the president of Telewizja Polska criticizes the measure prepared by Nielsen Audience Measurement notes that the research panel is based on too few households, resulting in unrepresentative audience results.

Telewizja Polska began a technical dialogue a few days ago regarding the audit of the telemetry panel set up by Nielsen. The technical dialogue precedes the call for tenders for the selection of a company that will audit telemetry. TVP seeks to verify panel compliance with commonly accepted TAM (Television Audience Measurement) standards and assess the adequacy of Nielsen's TV audience measurement measure to changes in the TV market

Participating Companies the TVP dialogue indicates the most effective way to check the Nielsen panel. The sender also wants to know if it is legitimate to take into account the attractiveness of the individual shippers of the settlement group 16-49, check and evaluate the performance of the post-audit orders for the Nielsen measurement carried out on TVP in 2011-2012

New Advertising Time Pricing System

The President of TVP also recently announced the launch of a new pricing system airtime, which will be offered to advertisers. It will be used in the results of the Real Vision Model (MOR), which develops TVP with Netia.

– We will begin work in the coming months to provide the market with a new cash settlement policy that will settle Nielsen's correction factor. We do not want to break the current consensus because we are a serious partner, but we want to impose the corrective superposition on the consensus based on the comparison of the real-world vision model (NOR) with Nielsen's indications – Jacek Kurski explained [19659002] in autumn, and introduced in 2019.

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