July 2018 Total lunar eclipse: where it will be visible


Less than a year after the solar eclipse of 2017 created a totality path across the United States, the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century will be visible in much of the world on Friday, July 27th.

A blood moon, a total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves directly between the sun and the moon. The shadow of the Earth moves over the moon, blocking the sunlight that is normally reflected on its surface and giving it a reddish glow.

Astronomers around the world – with the exception of North America – will be able to see July 2018 lunar eclipse during the four hours it will be visible in the sky. However, the total will only last one hour and 43 minutes of this period, just before the longest possible time of one hour and 47 minutes.

"The whole is the moment when the moon crosses the darkest part of the Earth's shadow," says Dr. Jackie Flaherty, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History. think most people can understand what it is to stay in the shadows. On sunny days, many of us are heading to the shade, maybe a tree or a building or even another person. Believe it or not, giant celestial bodies like the Earth and the Moon also project shadows into space. The sun is the flashlight and the planets are rigid bodies that can block the sun's radiant rays. So, during the whole, those of us on Earth watch the moon fall in our shadow. "

Different phases of the lunar eclipse will be visible across Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, and Australia at different However, only people in certain areas will be able to see the eclipse from beginning to end.

It is then that the totality will begin in areas where the entire eclipse will be visible. [19659007CentralandEasternAfrica[19659008] The entire eclipse will be visible in central and eastern Africa, with the totality beginning in major cities like Cairo and Nairobi at 9:30 pm and 10:30 pm

Eastern Europe

The total eclipse will begin in the centers of Eastern Europe such as Bucharest and Moscow at 22:30.

The Middle East

Limassol and Dubai will offer some of the best views of the complete eclipse from 22:30.

Central and Southeast Asia

Stargazers at New De lhi should look to the sky at 1 am local time for all while those in Bangkok can catch the lunar phenomenon at 02:30 [19659011] Western Australia

In Perth, the total eclipse will become visible around 3 pm 30, Local Time

For more details on the lunar eclipse of July 2018, plug your location into NASA's Lunar Eclipse Explorer.

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