Justyna Żyła will play in "The Agent" ?! Apparently she has already received an offer …


Before Justyna Żyłą (30 years old), the career in show business is open. As reported by one of the tabloids, the current wife of Piotr Żyła (31 years old) was to receive an offer to participate in one of the reality shows. Will he accept it? And what is interesting for her, her husband …

About Justyna Żyle more heard on the occasion of sensational news, than she revealed herself. She stated publicly that between her and Piotr Żyła, she was not working well and that her husband had left home. Later, she accused the jumper of neglecting the children, and even that he went to a mistress's home.

Then came the time of the session in "Playboy" and interviews. In one of them, Justyna announced that she would publish a book on culinary topics.

It turns out that it may only be the beginning of your stay, they have lived in the media. As reported by "Super Express", soon we can see Justyna in "Agent". "A good career ahead of Justyna Żyłą, they want it in a popular show," the tabloid said.

Looks like it is true that Justyna's family life is not successful, but it's much better in the professional field.

What's interesting about all this? At the moment, she has not commented on these reports. In turn, on the occasion of her birthday, she published an entry in which she mysteriously revealed that "life begins in thirty years". Do you think his media career is just beginning?

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