Justyna Żyła: you threatened to be beaten, you were blackmailed


– I hope that by recording a document you said how many times you spit in my face, you threatened to be beaten, intimidated, sung, confessed that & # 39; 39. Is a child born for you … that our children are treated by you as toys? On the appointed days, as you said, you are a father, the rest do not care to have recorded with this nice equipment (like glasses – a detective even in the workplace and in the home). children), that you asked me not to come with your mom he would sit down, drink coffee and talk, so that our children do not sleep with your parents, that you do not take them to your home , because your girlfriend would not agree, that you would come out of our house and that Karolinka would run With your gift, you and your mom are running away with your cups – wrote Justyna Żyła on the web.

Recently, it seemed that the marriage communicated and there will be no media continuation of their story. However, it turns out that ski jumping issues have again taken the wrong turn …

– You will forgive another private communication, but to this man only through the media. This and no other behavior on my part was only the result of my husband's lack of communication. This is my last entry on My husband, and the situation that she poses and how she can lie in living eyes, I only know myself and the people around us. Greetings and again I apologize for what happened in the media recently and what the situation has forced me to do despite my will – added Justyna Żyła in her last article on the web

Justyna and Piotr Żyłów are not together for at least Several months, and on the problems in their marriage, we learned at the end of February this year, when a woman through social media reported that her husband left her with her children. The ski jumper quickly confirmed that he was not living with his family in Wisła, but he denied that the reason for the breakup with his wife was to be another woman, as his wife l? had suggested. Later, Justyna Żyła "came back" with family problems on Instagram, complaining, among other things, that the athlete has neglected contact with the children. Nobody, however, expected that Wewióra's wife decided to retire for Playboy, which only warms the rumors circulating in the network. A woman after a session for a men's magazine gave many interviews. A few weeks ago, in an interview with Flash, she confessed that her contacts with her husband were correct and she hopes that everything will go in the right direction. The woman of the ski jumper did not want to say so if her last marriage was going to collapse and end up in the audience room. In early June, Piotr Żyła decided to end his marriage in court because he filed a petition for divorce. In June, Piotr Żyła took his trophies from home to Wisla Kopydle. Moments later, his wife confessed in an interview with "Your Empire" that she could not talk about her husband. Now she has spoken again, probably because in the program of the TVN station "Attention" Piotr Żyła is supposed to perform and tell what has happened lately in his life …

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