Kaja Paschalska (Klan) is not red. A new actress hairstyle. Instagram


Kaja Paschalska is an associate actress in the series "Klan" for years. It is in this production that it takes on a character Oli Lubicz. The series "Klan" has been on display for 21 years and it is precisely at this time that Paschalska plays it. In the life of his character, many things have happened recently.

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Kaja Paschalska changed her hairstyle

Kaja Paschalska has recently been touted on Instagram with photos that surprised the actress' fans. The star of the series "Klan" confessed that she had decided to metamorphose. The actress cut her long hair. By the way, she dyed them. There is no trace of the red color after the red color.

"Change, it's fun. Especially if it does not only happen on the head, but that results from what changes in the middle. In the head ", she started her job.

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Kaja Paschalska then decided to question why it was not easy to make a decision about the metamorphosis.

"Many people have a very specific image of themselves and even more specific expectations of themselves, formed over the years, often by other people. This is for me, no, I can not cope with it, I should do it, I should not do it (…) It's wonderful to dare to come out of this hot zone that has been warmed for years. Do not throw yourself immediately to the head of the unknown (…) It sounds simple, but sometimes it's hard to answer honestly. Especially if the answer goes beyond the self-image, which we often defend so much in our head, "she said.

The actress of the series "Klan" also admitted that the last time she had changed more than 10 years ago.

"Badam / verify / I exceed my limits at my own pace (in terms of hair – the last time I cut them more than a decade ago it was a crazy step for me) and it gives me great joy. I'm fine with this space in my head. And that's what it's about, right? "- she asked.

In the end, she boasted of a metamorphosis. Today, there are no longer long red hair. The fans were delighted.

"Beautiful Kaja", "Very nice", "You are beautiful", "Beautiful woman in all styles, nice", "Super laseczka", "You look beautiful"," Change to more "," Lovely "- they write in many comments under the photo.

What does Kaja Paschalska look like now and before his metamorphosis? See for yourself.

Photo: https://www.instagram.com

Kaja Paschalska with blond hair

Kaja Paschalska – who is it?

Kaja Paschalska is not only an actress, but also a singer. His characteristic sign so far has been the storm of red hair. She debuted at the age of 10 in the series "Klan" and is still associated with the figure of Ola Lubicz. The singing actress has solo albums. She appeared in the show "Your Face Sounds Familiar".

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